Hey all, Thanks for reading this post. I recently retired from the USMC and am ready to take my next step in achieving my physique goals. I have been training hard for the past 9 years minus my 3 deployments. I continued to workout during deployment but due to lack of equipment I mainly lift body weight. My diet has always been consistent, again, when I was able to. I am whats known as an Ecto/Meso hybrid. When I am eating correctly I tend to be more of a mesomorph, when I am really limited on food my body acts very Ecto (Fast metabolism, loss of muscle, very lean)I consume between 3500-4000 calories a day of mainly clean, high protein food sources. I am not going to bullshit you, I like Ice cream and pizza and enjoy it whenever I want. I am turning 37 here soon and I feel its time to take the test plunge. I have had no experience w/ steroids or pro hormones but know many who have or do, and if your not of 30 years of age or above, you have no business thinking about steroids. I have seen 23 year olds in the corp completely screw up their hormonal system because they decided to take juice before their time.
With this said, I am looking to run my first cycle. It will consist of :

Test e: 500mgs a week for 12 weeks.
Unfortunately, I am unable to run A.I's because I deal with PTSD and am on ssri's or Sertraline (zoloft) I was told taking both is going to produce pretty nasty sides, a lot more so than the test itself. Perhaps some of you could educate me as to my choices for A.I.'s?

If I go with no A.I.'s what are the chances of developing gyno, or other estro sides?
Would it work out better for me to change my weekly dosage in order to avoid these sides?

It is my personal decision to run a Test-E only first cycle as I have seen others be very successful with it as a first cycle.

Thanks to all in advance for your help and suggestions.
