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Thread: first cycle, test cyp only, no weight gain

  1. #1
    aalshake is offline New Member
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    Jan 2014

    first cycle, test cyp only, no weight gain

    so i started my first cycle of test cyp 500mg a week, i been training a little over 2 years, im taking arimidex around .5mg eod, im on my 4th week of the cycle

    my strength have went up a little, but i havent gained a single pound. when i started lifting i was around 157, i went all the way to 200 just by knowing how to eat. for the last 4 weeks, i been eating so much, never like before, just trying to force my self to gain some weight, i even been adding some deserts and fast food to my diet just to push my weight up some how, eating around 220g of protien a day.
    like I said, I've been through weight gaining in the past, im a slow metabolism guy, im not sure if this steroid is speeding up my metabolism, or am i just burning fat while building a little of muscle, im just sooo confused i step on the scale one day, i weigh 206lb, go back home and eat another 5 meals load up 4000 calories, come back the next day, i weigh 199lb!!! im thinking this is just water weight going up and down, but why there is no weight gains at all!!! the gear is from pharmacy, its legit! and i train 6 times a week btw. a little of cardio (please don't just tell me to post my diet, my stomach will blow up if i ate more food, i even start worrying about my cholosterol level from the amount of meat im eating, i puked few times from just eating alot)

  2. #2
    jdpeters's Avatar
    jdpeters is offline Associate Member
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    First off sounds like you are at least trying to do things correct. It would be best to post your diet just to give us an idea of what you do eat in a day. Most noticeable gains will be around week 6 and 7. Also post your reps and sets. Go to the training section and read Marcus 3000 post on building muscle. Possibly might be working out to much. 6 days a week sounds like to much. Muscles won't grow if you don't let them rest. Your squats sound very low. You will definitely gain muscle from the waist down once you really start working your legs.

    Keep it up, let us know how things are going in a few weeks.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Defiling Myself
    You left out you're 20 in your stats.

  4. #4
    AsEpSiS's Avatar
    AsEpSiS is offline Associate Member
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    If you can't grow at 20 years old, something is WRONG.

    If you can't grow at 20 years old with steroids , something is REALLY WRONG.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Four wks with no size increase is not necessarily a bad sign. It can take 4-6 weeks for long esters to accumulate.

    A couple of pics of your current physique would really help us see your physique development.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  6. #6
    aalshake is offline New Member
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    yeah my legs are weak, i been doing legs twice a week to catch up with my squat, i like to train like branch warren very similar routine, one body part a day, i never go bellow 6 rips except for deadlift and maxing, i eat around 4-5 meals a day beside the protien shakes, i usually get 3 clean meals (ex. white rice,pasta with beef, or fish) and i like to have the other two meals from junk food (ex. 3-4 dollar menu cheeseburger, tacos.... etc, as long as it got meat in it), im only doing this because im not gaining any weight, i have whey isolate and muscle milk (i drink the muscle milk with whole fat milk and add a banana, so sometimes i replace it with some of my meals)

    im getting a little bit of acne on my chest and back, but no size gains at all!! im feeling like my abs are getting little leaner though... here is a pic 4 weeks ago...

    first cycle, test cyp only, no weight gain-20140303_224519-1.jpg

  7. #7
    bodybuilder88's Avatar
    bodybuilder88 is offline New Member
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    Sounds like you are training a little too much, remember you grow when you eat and rest. In my off season I like to train 5 days a week allowing for 2 total days off where I do nothing but work eat and get in a nap if I can. I only train 6 days a week when dieting for a show. If you want to bring your legs up training em twice a week is a great idea, I've done it in the past and what found worked well for me was to do a split like this
    Day 1: leg day one (all free weight) Jeffersons, squats, front squats, stif leg deads, lying db hamstring curls, glute ham raise, walking lunges
    Day 2 chest/ biceps
    Day 3 off
    Day 4 back
    Day 5: leg day 2 (machines) high reps but squeeze the shit out of the muscles. Exercises like. Extensions, leg press hack squats, lying leg curl single leg leg curls
    Day 6: delts/ triceps
    Day 7: off.

  8. #8
    Steve.O is offline Junior Member
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    It is very odd to not gain any weight at al but sayin that you are usin an ai so jus keep trainin hard and eating and see what happens. Seeing as tho its your first cycle you wil not kno what to expect or how it feels to be on juice. Think positive for now you wont b able to tel if ya gear fake without blood levels so use ya common sense. B safe

  9. #9
    ANIMAL's Avatar
    ANIMAL is offline Associate Member
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    You're at 200lbs and taking in 200g protein per day. What about your fats and your carbs? Just to give you an idea as I'm trying to put on weight, I'm at 260g protein, 500g carbs, 80g fat which is 3760 calories... I weigh 180 lbs. You need to eat to grow, the gear isn't going to magically put muscle on you.

    If it's true you're 20 years old you need to stop with the gear and just focus on lifting/eating/resting.
    jdc91gt likes this.

  10. #10
    aalshake is offline New Member
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    thanks for help bodybuilder88, the reason i do the 6 days split is because i thought you recover faster on steroids , so i thought training harder will benefits me more, but look like i will start taking more rest and use your split
    like i mentioned my diet is not clean im at 200-240g protien, 600-800g carb, 140g fat, and still no weight gains, but amazing strength gain, which im afraid will fade away after the cycle,
    yes i am 20 year old, and i do get criticized alot for that...

  11. #11
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aalshake View Post
    so i started my first cycle of test cyp 500mg a week, i been training a little over 2 years, im taking arimidex around .5mg eod, im on my 4th week of the cycle

    my strength have went up a little, but i havent gained a single pound. when i started lifting i was around 157, i went all the way to 200 just by knowing how to eat. for the last 4 weeks, i been eating so much, never like before, just trying to force my self to gain some weight, i even been adding some deserts and fast food to my diet just to push my weight up some how, eating around 220g of protien a day.
    like I said, I've been through weight gaining in the past, im a slow metabolism guy, im not sure if this steroid is speeding up my metabolism, or am i just burning fat while building a little of muscle, im just sooo confused i step on the scale one day, i weigh 206lb, go back home and eat another 5 meals load up 4000 calories, come back the next day, i weigh 199lb!!! im thinking this is just water weight going up and down, but why there is no weight gains at all!!! the gear is from pharmacy, its legit! and i train 6 times a week btw. a little of cardio (please don't just tell me to post my diet, my stomach will blow up if i ate more food, i even start worrying about my cholosterol level from the amount of meat im eating, i puked few times from just eating alot)
    First off you have no base!!
    Your age and picture tells more than your stats listed

    Too late to tell you to hold off now you started but you needed another year or so to bring your body into shape as you lack size and muscularity.

    Eating pure and simple adds size along with consistant training over time.

    Look more into your diet

    Drop the adex to 0.25mg eod

    Add hcg 500iu ew

    Standard pct to finish 14-21 days after last pin

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