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Thread: 4th cycle advice - previously solo test runs

  1. #1
    ECUboost is offline New Member
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    4th cycle advice - previously solo test runs

    I have lurked here for year, signed up last year to get someone to review my blood work with great success, I haven't ran a cycle since ending that one to seek some professional help and advice on future cycles. That being said I'll give some history and information below.

    About me:
    Age -30
    Weight - 185 (currently at end of cut)
    Height - 5'10
    BF - 9 - 11% ( tested again hydrostatic in one week, I will update)

    Previous cycles:

    As any good noob I started on test only cycles:
    1) test cyp - 400mg / wk for 10 weeks, ending weight 193lbs
    2) test cyp - 500mg / wk for 10 weeks, ending weight 190 lbs ( a bit leaner)
    3) test e - 750mg / wk for 12 weeks, ending weight 208lbs

    All cycles were ran with PCT of Nolva 40/40/20/20 starting 10 days after last pin)

    Note to body weight I am an extreme endo, my dad is 140 lbs, I am the heaviest person in my family, I graduated high school at 126 lbs and gained and trained naturally for 4 years to get to 175 before doing my first cycle.

    After the last cycle I never felt like I really recovered as I have before, this may have been due to sickness ( got pretty ill the week after the last pin before starting Nolva wile overseas on vacation, contributing to some of the weight loss) so I decided to keep training, I now have a nutritionist and will be going to the Dr. in the morning to get a full physical and hopefully some blood work drawn to check everything out. If not then I will order the labs myself this week.

    With that being said I am thinking I am waning to move to either a blend or adding something to the test c which I already have. Now I have noticed in recent threads (don't know how I missed this previously) that there are a lot of recommendations to run both Nolv and Clomid PCT and run HCG during cycle. Were those just not necessary with test only cycles as I was really only researching those previously. My ideas for the next cycle are taken straight from others recommendations from other threads here.

    1-12 Test Cyp - 500mg / wk ( 250mg bi weekly)
    1-10 deca - 300mg/ wk (150mg bi weekly)
    1-4 dbol - 30mg/day
    *hcg - 250iu/bi -weekly

    starting 10 days after last pin
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 150/150/100/100

    Other concerns:

    Wife hasn't okay'd the aas usage until after we have kids ( going to get that checked also) so more than 2 pins a week may become difficult as we train together. If that is a must for something listed above maybe we can change to something that suits bi-weekly injections better to keep blood levels from spiking and dropping. I also haven't checked for availability of other substances than test and HGH, I don't plan to start for about another month (meaning keeping acne down may be a concern also) so there should be enough time to source anything additional needed. I appreciate any help critique and advice I can get.
    Last edited by ECUboost; 03-23-2014 at 07:08 PM.

  2. #2
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Test, Deca and D-bol stack will blow you up if your diet and your workout is on point. If you workout with your girl believe me she will notice; if she doesn't then you have another problem all together because the d-bol alone will cause some amazing pumps and vascularity. For me strength shot up through the roof and it was obvious for me at least the difference in the workout. All i'm saying this is more to the deep end my friend, it's going to be a lot harder to hide. Also if you're using test cyp wait 14-18 days after last pin to start PCT. Good luck bro.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Why clutter it up if you're making progress? Run your test at 750 again with HCG this time. Mix your hcg in the same shot if you like.
    Hopefully there's an AI in the picture as well?
    Way too many guys ramp up their doses too quickly thinking that's the answer, instead of focusing on nutrition and training where most fail.
    PCT should start 18 days after cycle as NoBulk alluded to.
    songdog likes this.
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  4. #4
    ECUboost is offline New Member
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    Very good then, 18 days after last pin to start PCT. To be honest I was iffy about even doing the dbol I don't really like the idea of orals, and I don't know if I have the availability for it anyway. HCG will be an add this time. I have Arimidex on hand, probably need some fresh stuff but never had to use an AI before, never showed any signed of high est. I understand there is a higher possibility as I add more to the mix, just figured it was a given. If I start to see signs what the recommended dosing, the consensus seems to be about .5ml/day depending how it effects you.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If you cycle you always need an AI. The more damaging effects of high estrogen are internal, not external so you won't see them. NEVER judge your E level by signs of gyno alone as some people will simply never get it. Start your AI on day two of your cycle. Normal dosage for a 500mg test cycle is .25mg EOD. Take a few minutes and read Austinites Educational Articles Database at the top of this forum. Good stuff there that will help you out a lot. Read the info on blood work and consider it. It's important.
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  6. #6
    ECUboost is offline New Member
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    Will do on the AI that's an easy pick up. Will probably just do the test c at 500mg since I already have everything on hand.

    On another note, the Dr. visit did not go well, I dont know where people find dr's. I seem to always get the same talk about 205 not being a healthy weight and at 5'10 I should be 160-170lbs. Don't these people ever have goals in their life. So it was a no go on ordering a hormone panel, I guess its okay to talk about here haven't seen anything to the contrary but has anyone used private md labs, was thinking about getting the female panel there to get est. levels checked also.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Many here use PML for blood work. Cheap and effective.
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  8. #8
    ECUboost is offline New Member
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    Well I am back with all my results gearing up to start the next cycle but things dont look as good as I wished so I need some advice on how to treat/react.

    Physical assessment:
    Age: 30
    188lbs (taken 2:00 PM after lunch)
    Body Fat 9.5% ( taken by nurse with calipers)
    BP: 122/68
    HR: 68
    Anything else important here?

    Got the BW back from PML also and I will post the pertinents below, I will say that I have been symptomatic of the results I have not got random boners and lucky to want my newly wed wife more than once every two weeks.

    Glucose, Serum 91 (65-99) mg/dL
    BUN 23 HIGH (6-20) mg/dL
    Creatinine, Serum 1.17 (0.76-1.27) mg/dL
    BUN/Creatinine Ratio 20 HIGH (8-19)
    AST (SGOT) 33 (0-40) IU/L
    ALT (SGPT) 53 HIGH (0-44) IU/L
    Testosterone , Serum 336 LOW (348-1197) ng/dL
    Estradiol 17.5 (7.6-42.6) pg/mL

    Let me know if there is anything else I should post I have lots of other results so if there is anything specific let me know I probably have it. I don't have Free test as I just did the standard female work from PML.

    I was thinking about doing another 2 weeks of Clomid since I think I have that much on hand and or also starting to take some natural boosters like tribulus but I didn't know if those would help or just help free up the little I am making.

    I think I mentioned above but my last pin for last cycle was Sept 20th 2013 with 10 days off then 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex as pct.

    Also forgot to add I have an apt with my Dr Monday, the same dr that didn't want to order a hormone panel because " your 30 im not ordering a hormone panel" after I told him I had no lobido and couldn't keep weight on. So I don't know if I should even mention this test to him or not, I am not interested in trying to get on trt at my age I would much rather fix this on my own and not sure I want to have this in my permanent record if I can correct it myself.
    Last edited by ECUboost; 04-02-2014 at 08:43 PM. Reason: Formatting lab results

  9. #9
    ECUboost is offline New Member
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    Thread topic moved to Blood testing section for new questions.

  10. #10
    ECUboost is offline New Member
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    bump, other post has no replies and my dr apt is tomorrow, this section gets more traffic.

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