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Thread: VERY 1st Cycle - Prone to Gynecomastia?

  1. #1
    TrevHoff's Avatar
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    Question VERY 1st Cycle - Prone to Gynecomastia?

    I am looking at starting my very first cycle and from this webpage decided to start with "Steroid Cycles for Beginners" - "Novice Steroid Cycles I". I am looking at ordering the following online:

    • 2 x Test Enanthate 250mg/ml, 10ml
    • 1 x Dianabol 20mg, 100 pills per bottle
    • 1 x Arimidex 1mg, 50 pills per bottle
    • 1 x Nolvadex 20mg, 50 pills per bottle

    Although, looking to cut it down to 10 weeks (thus only the 2 bottles of Test Enanthate ) vs. the 12 weeks (or should I look at doing the 2 extra weeks? Thoughts...?)

    None the less, I developed Gynecomastia as a teenager and had surgery removing the huge lumps in my early 20's; I am now 33. The last thing in the world I want is to have Gynecomastia again! Having that said, that is why I have Arimidex and Nolvadex on order. Should I start supplementing with 10mg of Nolvadex per day regardless or only when I "feel" it coming on? AND MAYBE take the extra step of Arimidex 0.5mg every other day??

    I am afraid I won't "feel" it coming on and end up with it again!

    On a side note I have been taking the following prescriptions from my doctor from being diagnosed with Low-T (last 8 or so months):

    • HCG
    • DHEA
    • Pregnenalone
    • Progesterone

    Should I look at stopping each prescription while on the 10 week cyle then re-introduce immediately after?

    Thanks guys, going into this one solo so any help would be MUCH MUCH MUCH APPRECIATED!
    Last edited by TrevHoff; 01-23-2015 at 09:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Black's Avatar
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    Not entirely sure here, but if they removed the whole gland, it can't come back. Correct or no?

  3. #3
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    As far as the cycle, I'd hold of on the dianabol and just run the test for now.

    So you are on a form of TRT, but without test?

    Use arimidex on cycle, nolvadex is for PCT. You could start at 0.5mg E3D and adjust from there if needed.

    Continue your doctor prescribed treatment through the cycle.
    Last edited by Black; 03-28-2014 at 01:35 PM.
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  4. #4
    DAAS's Avatar
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    I was just going to say if you're prone to gyno then dont take the dbol

  5. #5
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    Not entirely sure here, but if they removed the whole gland, it can't come back. Correct or no?
    That is what I was thinking, I do know that a lot of times the surgeon never removes the whole gland so it doesn't look caved in. So it makes sense to me that it could come back.
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  6. #6
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    I had puberty gyno and got it removed as well. The doc (if he's a good one) leaves a bit of the gland behind the nip to maintain shape and appearance rather than a caved in look. The drawback is sometimes ur nips get sensitive at high estrogen levels.

    When I cycle I take adex 0.25mg EOD and nolva 20mg Ed.

    Many advocate nolva is unnecessary if ur estrogen is in check. Which is true to an extent but preventing gyno is better than trying to rectify gyno if it pops up. Advanced users use nolva throughout.

    Also pick up some hcg for cycle as well.
    Wuts ur pct like?

    Ur good to go with the dbol and test if u use adex and nolva.

    Why does ur doc have u on progesterone? Doesn't make sense for low t due to the side effects of it.
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 03-28-2014 at 02:00 PM.

  7. #7
    slfmade's Avatar
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    You also need clomid for PCT
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  8. #8
    DAAS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    I had puberty gyno and got it removed as well. The doc (if he's a good one) leaves a bit of the gland behind the nip to maintain shape and appearance rather than a caved in look. The drawback is sometimes ur nips get sensitive at high estrogen levels.

    When I cycle I take adex 0.25mg EOD and nolva 20mg Ed.

    Many advocate nolva is unnecessary if ur estrogen is in check. Which is true to an extent but preventing gyno is better than trying to rectify gyno if it pops up. Advanced users use nolva throughout.

    Also pick up some hcg for cycle as well.
    Wuts ur pct like?

    Ur good to go with the dbol and test if u use adex and nolva.

    Why does ur doc have u on progesterone? Doesn't make sense for low t due to the side effects of it.
    he is already on hcg .

    good question

  9. #9
    TrevHoff's Avatar
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    Wow! Thanks for the great feed back already! I REALLY do appreciate it guys, thank you.

    So I will play the safer side of things and lets assume that the gland is NOT removed (whether it really is or not, I don't know).

    So I hear split decisions whether to run Dianabol or not. I principally assume to take this at the beginning of the cycle to kick things into gear as the Test may take some time to kick in? Also a split decision on how to runt adex and nolva during my cycle. I REALLY want to play on the side or precaution so $ is not an issue.

    My post cycle was looking like this after 10 weeks of Test (and potentially Dianabol):

    Week 13 - 40mg Every Day
    Week 14 - 40mg Every Day
    Week 15 - 20mg Every Day

    Now I do have easy access to HCG but do not know where to implement in the mix, I see to run during my cycle and how would I implement after? As per my doc's recommended dose's?

    My doctor's prescriptions of:

    HCG - 1000 i/u's twice a week (more on this in a bit)
    DHEA - 50mg/Day
    Pregnenalone - 10mg/Day
    Progesterone - 40 mg/Day

    Not certain why he has me on Progesterone - He explains all prescriptions as being the building blocks for testosterone and more of a "primer" if you will. Now the extremely high doses of HCG... He monitors my blood closely and trust his professionalism as a endocrinologist. High dose's YES, however, from where I was BEFORE my prescriptions of low-t. To where I am now, I would not change for the world! More energy, mind clarity, high sex drive... you name it its all better. And NO! not a placebo affect I can 100% vouch for.

    I did start getting extremely bad acne on my chest and shoulders. Went to see a dermatologist explaining the situation and he prescribed Apo-Doxy cleared it up for a while, now some how has circled back. Asked my endo about my acne and the a$$h0le prescribed me Spironolactone! Being an anti-androgen (needless to say have not taken a single pill of it coming home and finding out what it was). So I cut my dose's of HCG back to 900 i/u's twice a week with apo-doxy and things are starting to clear up a bit. No clue what this cycle of test is going to do to me!

  10. #10
    Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrevHoff View Post
    Wow! Thanks for the great feed back already! I REALLY do appreciate it guys, thank you.

    So I will play the safer side of things and lets assume that the gland is NOT removed (whether it really is or not, I don't know).

    So I hear split decisions whether to run Dianabol or not. I principally assume to take this at the beginning of the cycle to kick things into gear as the Test may take some time to kick in? Also a split decision on how to runt adex and nolva during my cycle. I REALLY want to play on the side or precaution so $ is not an issue.

    My post cycle was looking like this after 10 weeks of Test (and potentially Dianabol):

    Week 13 - 40mg Every Day
    Week 14 - 40mg Every Day
    Week 15 - 20mg Every Day

    Now I do have easy access to HCG but do not know where to implement in the mix, I see to run during my cycle and how would I implement after? As per my doc's recommended dose's?

    My doctor's prescriptions of:

    HCG - 1000 i/u's twice a week (more on this in a bit)
    DHEA - 50mg/Day
    Pregnenalone - 10mg/Day
    Progesterone - 40 mg/Day

    Not certain why he has me on Progesterone - He explains all prescriptions as being the building blocks for testosterone and more of a "primer" if you will. Now the extremely high doses of HCG... He monitors my blood closely and trust his professionalism as a endocrinologist. High dose's YES, however, from where I was BEFORE my prescriptions of low-t. To where I am now, I would not change for the world! More energy, mind clarity, high sex drive... you name it its all better. And NO! not a placebo affect I can 100% vouch for.

    I did start getting extremely bad acne on my chest and shoulders. Went to see a dermatologist explaining the situation and he prescribed Apo-Doxy cleared it up for a while, now some how has circled back. Asked my endo about my acne and the a$$h0le prescribed me Spironolactone! Being an anti-androgen (needless to say have not taken a single pill of it coming home and finding out what it was). So I cut my dose's of HCG back to 900 i/u's twice a week with apo-doxy and things are starting to clear up a bit. No clue what this cycle of test is going to do to me!
    HCG is apart of my TRT protocol, as well as testosterone. You may be better off dosing a smaller dose, more frequently (500iu, 4x a week). I used to dose 250iu EOD, but recently, I started dosing 500iu, 3x a week. I noticed the positive effects much more on this dosing scheme. It could be that such high doses (1000iu) are causing an increase in intratesticular estrogen levels (I think I remember reading about that some time ago). Have you had your estrogen levels checked recently? I notice an increase in acne when my estrogen levels are higher than normal.

    When introducing a compound into your system for the first time (testosterone), its good practice to run it by itself. If anything for the simple reason that if something were to start causing problems, you can easily narrow it down to the testosterone. If you are running multiple compounds the first time and problems arise, you won't know what's causing what. However, its up to you. Technically, my first cycle consisted of test and dianabol. Although I didn't cycle until after I started TRT and had already been taking testosterone for awhile.

    Since I'm on TRT I obviously don't run a PCT. But in my readings, I think you'll want to add an additional week of Nolvadex on there. As mentioned above, some also run clomid alongside the nolvadex. Others may be able to give you more input in that area.

  11. #11
    TrevHoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    HCG is apart of my TRT protocol, as well as testosterone . You may be better off dosing a smaller dose, more frequently (500iu, 4x a week). I used to dose 250iu EOD, but recently, I started dosing 500iu, 3x a week. I noticed the positive effects much more on this dosing scheme. It could be that such high doses (1000iu) are causing an increase in intratesticular estrogen levels (I think I remember reading about that some time ago). Have you had your estrogen levels checked recently? I notice an increase in acne when my estrogen levels are higher than normal.

    When introducing a compound into your system for the first time (testosterone), its good practice to run it by itself. If anything for the simple reason that if something were to start causing problems, you can easily narrow it down to the testosterone. If you are running multiple compounds the first time and problems arise, you won't know what's causing what. However, its up to you. Technically, my first cycle consisted of test and dianabol . Although I didn't cycle until after I started TRT and had already been taking testosterone for awhile.

    Since I'm on TRT I obviously don't run a PCT. But in my readings, I think you'll want to add an additional week of Nolvadex on there. As mentioned above, some also run clomid alongside the nolvadex. Others may be able to give you more input in that area.
    Thanks for the input on the HCG usage, I will give that a shot (dosing 500iu, 3x a week). I think it might keep it at a more stable level that way?? So I'd look at injecting 600 iu every 3 Days? Monday, Thursday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday, Tuesday, Friday, REPEAT Monday?

    Not sure if you have come across the following or not, but definitely found it a good read:!

    Any other input on my original post please keep them coming! THANK YOU!

  12. #12
    TrevHoff's Avatar
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    ^ bump ^

  13. #13
    TrevHoff's Avatar
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    I have decided to go with ONLY the Test-E for my first cycle and maybe look at introducing DBol in my next cycle. That said will do the full 12 weeks with 500mg a week. Now should I consider front loading?

    I know this particular thread is running stale so will try once more and see the feedback I get.

    Further to this I am getting recommendations on using BOTH clomid and nolvadex ; my research shows I truly only need one or the other. Why is there recommendations on running BOTH? and what would be the dosage amount if running both if I decided to take this path?

  14. #14
    DrewZ's Avatar
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    Hi Trev, welcome!

    Reading through this thread a couple of times helped me understand everything a lot better;

    Lots of great info there, I think it will answer most of your questions.

  15. #15
    TrevHoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrewZ View Post
    Hi Trev, welcome!

    Reading through this thread a couple of times helped me understand everything a lot better;

    Lots of great info there, I think it will answer most of your questions.
    Ahh, thanks Drew! Boo for me! I remember coming across this when originally signing up for this site. How soon you forget with all the flooded information out there. I LOVE the looks of this outline and almost precisely the direction I wanted to go and was questioning.


  16. #16
    Lee_1978's Avatar
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    I hear so many conflicting things about HCG for a first cycle. Some so run it and others say don't?

  17. #17
    TrevHoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee_1978 View Post
    I hear so many conflicting things about HCG for a first cycle. Some so run it and others say don't?
    Per my man Ausinite... "hCG is vital if you are concerned about recovery. In short, it will prevent testicular atrophy, maintain your natural testosterone production (Because steroids shut that down); thus resulting in a healthier and a more speedy recovery."

    Yes, there is a lot of controvery, but I have investigated throughout and have concluded with Austinite as well.

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