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  1. #1
    StayCold75 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014

    Sust 250 and Test Prop for first cycle. Suggestions?

    Whats up guys. Im new here, but been creeping around on the forums for a while. Getting ready to start my first cycle within a week. Thinking about going with Sust 250 and Test Prop. Sust 250 2x a week and .5 Test Prop alongside it making it around 600 a week. Have been looking at aromasin vs. arimidex and I also thinking about going with aromasin 2x ed at 12.5 each making it 25 a day. I'm 25 5'10 185lbs and around 11% BF and been lifting since high school.

    Any suggestions, and input would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    newguy92's Avatar
    newguy92 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by StayCold75
    Whats up guys. Im new here, but been creeping around on the forums for a while. Getting ready to start my first cycle within a week. Thinking about going with Sust 250 and Test Prop. Sust 250 2x a week and .5 Test Prop alongside it making it around 600 a week. Have been looking at aromasin vs. arimidex and I also thinking about going with aromasin 2x ed at 12.5 each making it 25 a day. I'm 25 5'10 185lbs and around 11% BF and been lifting since high school. Any suggestions
    , and input would be appreciated. Thanks guys!
    You don't need the prop. There is prop in sustanon . You should take 0.5ml of sustanon every other day. Works out to be around 440mg a week. That all you'd need. Read a lot of the educational threads.

  3. #3
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    Thats not a reason not to include it. It will only bring about more results earlier in the cycle. 600mg's of test might be alot for a first cycle though. I would stick to 500 and use the extra to extend the cycle. Stick with Aromasin , best AI in my opinion. Have you considered HCG ? What is your PCT looking like?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Your focus should be on the quality of the Lab and the price, if the same lab gives sustanon 250 for like 100$ and Test e 250mg/ml for 60$.. ofcourse go with test e

    This is the perfect read for you to choose your ai and etc
    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  5. #5
    mgambino310's Avatar
    mgambino310 is offline Associate Member
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    Sus and prop should be injected a minimum EOD due to esters and ran a max of 8 weeks... do your research to ensure you get the most out of it
    Good luck

  6. #6
    StayCold75 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    Thanks for all the input guys! The reason I was wanting to go with the Prop is since its a short ester it would kick in faster, and everything I looked at showed Sust didnt really have too much Prop in it. Iron-56 -To be honest I havent really looked into or read about HCG very much. I've heard a few things about it, but I def need to read up on it. For PCT I was gonna stick with Clomid and Nolva. Kinda stupid but I'm just putting this together piece by piece getting all the info I can before starting the cycle. mgambino310 -is there a reason for 8 weeks max? I've read a lot about people running 10 wk cycles. Like I said I'm a noob, and I just have things people I work with tell me, and things I read. Thanks again for all the input guys!

  7. #7
    AsEpSiS's Avatar
    AsEpSiS is offline Associate Member
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    Dude, for your fist cycle don't even worry about stuff "kicking in faster". Just like advised, use .5 every other day if you're using the sus. Better yet, just use test E or C. Too many first timers like to try and complicate things.....I don't know why.

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