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  1. #1
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    USA-New Jersey

    Looking for Recomp cycle

    whats up guys. i hope you all doing well.
    i havent made a thread in long time...
    here is my current stats
    5'10-5'11 not sure exactly
    210 lbs
    BF 10-15% range. in between them...
    been dieting and doing good amount of cardio ( morning 30 min jogging 6mph fasted ) 6 days a week
    post workout anywhere between 20-60 min stairmaster depend on how long i can go 5 days weekly
    im planning on doing recomp cycle for the first time when i hit 10% BF. i have done bulking and cutting cycles but not recomp.
    i read the thread on the educational forum about recmop and got some info..
    so i was thinking about running Test P for 10 weeks. and tren ace 8 weeks ( tren twice test dose ) , and masteron for last 6-8 weeks..
    and some t3. up to 75mcg. i have Hcg , ai, caber and pharma grade GH ( im running 5 iu ed, i can keep same dose or increase it if i need to. )
    my goal is to drop to 6-7% bf and add some lean muscle IF POSSIBLE...
    from my understanding i need to be little over maintenance by 500 calorie or so ( clean)
    so do i keep high protein and cycle carbs and do 500 calorie above maintenance and keep same amount of cardio or make it less ?
    also can you critique the cycle. and tell me what you guys think. i have access to almost every AAS so feel free to tell me your opinion.
    thank you

  2. #2
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey

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