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  1. #1
    Blitz88's Avatar
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    How long did your pip last?

    Just wondering what's the longest you have had pip? 3-4 days, 1 week, or more?

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    4-5 days in quad first few times using t400- I used heat seem to help but quickly learned its more the technique than gear most of the time.

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz88 View Post
    Just wondering what's the longest you have had pip? 3-4 days, 1 week, or more?
    Never more than a week

  4. #4
    noon's Avatar
    noon is offline Senior Member
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    My first pin ever was a week of discomfort .virgin muscle I'm told.

  5. #5
    slfmade's Avatar
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    few days, but it's never been bad. Just slight discomfort.

  6. #6
    Rothrock's Avatar
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    Years ago, I had it so bad I couldn't hardly sit down for days.. the gear I run now is smooth as 12 year old scotch..maybe some pain every 20 pokes and thats probably just technique.

  7. #7
    Blitz88's Avatar
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    I pinned test cyp 1cc @ 250mg/ml last Monday in my right glute. It got hard and redness that spread down my leg and towards groin area. Thursday night I decided to start a course of amoxicillin 500mg 4xday because I got worried. Most of all the redness is gone now with slight pain at injection area. Glute is slightly tender upon palpating. I decided that I am going to stop my cycle. I have 9 bottles of this cyp left! I started this cycle and used up some sustanon that I had with no problems. When I ran out I started the cyp and had this reaction on my first pin. I'm debating to just pop another vial open and give it another try. Maybe this vial has something wrong with it.

  8. #8
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rothrock View Post
    Years ago, I had it so bad I couldn't hardly sit down for days.. the gear I run now is smooth as 12 year old scotch..maybe some pain every 20 pokes and thats probably just technique.
    Oh god!!! I would hate to have to pin 12 yr old scotch. That'd hurt!!!

  9. #9
    Rothrock's Avatar
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    It would hurt but at least there is a source on every corner for

  10. #10
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    never had PIP longer than a few minutes from AAS. Some other things have caused some pain like penicillin but that's about it. Tren seems to sting but not when mixed with test.

  11. #11
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    never had PIP longer than a few minutes from AAS. Some other things have caused some pain like penicillin but that's about it. Tren seems to sting but not when mixed with test.
    It's not the sting he's talking about. It's the dull pain that last a few days afterwards. Similar to a deep bruise. It happens fairly often with legs pins for some people.

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