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  1. #1
    Cdmeek is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013

    Redness and swelling sust250

    So i ran my first sust250 cycle a few months back, ran just sust for my first cycle for 12 weeks. I used 23g needles at 1.5". Everything went great. So this cycle I started sust250, deca , and dbol . I shot my vastus medialis with 1cc deca, and the other quad with sust. however i used 1 inch needles cause my pharmacy was out of 1.5". My deca shot healed quickly, almost no pain after a day or so. however my sust shot has been sore as shit. Not only this, i developed a red spot about 2 inches wide, about 2 inches above my injection site. 4 days later, this spot has grown to 8 inches in diameter both ways. I shot my other quad with sust for my next injection, and its starting to do the same. there is no edema. no fever. nothing out of the ordinary, other than huge red spots about 2-3 inches above my injection site on the inside of my leg. the red spot feels warm, and a little hard in some spots. nothing drastic. But im freakin out about why both shots are doing this. the injection site itself isnt red.. just a huge area above the injection site.

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    I've had it happen before. Keep an eye on it. If u get a fever, soreness, lumps, etc see a doc. Lots of threads on this to read up on

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    just so you know you can cut the pip from the sust by putting both deca and sust in the same pin...give it a try next time and I bet it will be far more comfortable for you post injection...

  4. #4
    Cdmeek is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    just so you know you can cut the pip from the sust by putting both deca and sust in the same pin...give it a try next time and I bet it will be far more comfortable for you post injection...
    Cool thanks guys. Ill give that a try. I only shoot my deca once a week so ill see if it works. my right side quad started to get the same redness, however i checked today and it was gone. Im not sure what happened with the first shot, but its still a tad red, swelling went down, not too hot any more, just a little stiff with discomfort. So i think whatever the problem was has been avoided, i hit up my chemist to see if he knew, he couldnt see it so he didnt really help much. but both shots seem to be healing better now. I did my 3rd shot to my glute today and ill check on it and see if i get the same reaction.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    seriously bro id split my deca shots in half and inject 2x per week if that's what your doing with the sust telling you your discomfort will be minimal...why wouldn't you at least try it?...

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