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Thread: Test/eq/dbol/Ghrp-6

  1. #1


    I will be going on my third cycle simple stats 29yr old 6'2 210lb 14%bf. Here's what I was told to do by my coach and I'm not very familiar with eq but seems a bit high to me.

    Test e 1200mgs/week
    Eq 800mgs week
    Dbol 80 mg/day
    Ghrp-6 100mcg x3 daily

    This a 16 week cycle minus dbol which will be 8 weeks.
    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You shouldn't listen to your coach. That's way overkill.

    What were your previous cycles and results?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Are you kidding?? That's a helluva lot of gear for cycle 3. In my opinion, you're looking for trouble. Ditch your coach, and learn more on your own. Besides, you yourself should know that after only 3 cycles, you have no business taking that large of doses. If you even considered it, I'd question your knowledge base.

    That's an advanced dose for a not so advanced user.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    End October you started your first cycle. Test e maybe 10-12 weeks plus PCT so you should have ended that cycle around 14-28th Feb.

    End February you were already on your second cycle. So I'm guessing you had zero time off after pct?

    Now, only 5 weeks later you are talking about your 3rd cycle?

    Come on man, list your cycles, with PCT's and include dates for us. Let's see if we can't help you to not completely fvck up the rest of your life.

  5. #5
    Well not trying to be rude but your coach lacks training and nutrition advice, find a new coach. You don't want a coach that relies on gear to make you look god. Christ anyone could do that, and from the sound of it your coach dosent give 2 ****s about you as a person and instead thinks of you as a tool for money.

  6. #6
    I didn't ask what you thought about my cycle history or me not giving a crap about pct's. I didn't come here for a lecture. You say you wanna help then talk to me about this cycle. If you don't then your wasting mine and your time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by chiponmyshoulder
    I didn't ask what you thought about my cycle history or me not giving a crap about pct's. I didn't come here for a lecture. You say you wanna help then talk to me about this cycle. If you don't then your wasting mine and your time.
    Sorry, but if you can't handle the critique, you needn't be here. We aren't here to accommodate every whim and desire. We aren't here to pat people on the back and say, "go get 'em tiger!!!".

    You've got some very experienced members making some honest observations. Despite not knowing you at all, they are offering advice in an effort to keep you healthy. Remember, you came here seeking, we didn't drag you in or beg you to come.

    This is an open forum. Expect some criticism. You are free to ignore it and do whatever pleases your ego. We advocate safe and responsible use of steroids on this forum. That includes educating any member on the importance of appropriate cycle lengths, use of AIs and HCG to maintain E2 levels and minimize testicular atrophy and leydig dysfunction, proper PCT planning to facilitate HTPA function, and appropriate time off between cycles to minimize permanent suppression or incomplete recovery.

    We care (or at least try to) about the members here. If the advice is off putting to your sense of pride or expectations, in most cases that is not the intent. How you chose to respond will determine how much help you get. If your responses are condescending, don't expect much help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well, he gets an award fore 'Most Apt Username' if nothing else!

  9. #9
    Lol touché on the username and I do expect criticism. Never did I say I was seeking approval or need a go get em tiger. I did come here for the knowledge. However telling me I'm gonna ruin the rest of my life is a pretty bold prediction based on what? Like I said I don't wanna run these dosages. I was asking for a better choice in dosages. I guess I should have worded my post better. But **** it every knows the right way to use steroids with very little clinical studies...Augustine where are you on this? Maybe some help from the guru!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The fact that is sounds like you have already been shut down for 5 months and sound like you are gonna jump on number and keep yourself shut down for several months more. Dosages and compounds are not as relevant as the length of shutdown. You think recovery of your own natural test is guaranteed and easy after that long shut down? Longer you are shutdown the harder recovery is. Plenty of people end up having to be on TRT for the remainder of their life because of ill conceived AAS cycles.

    But it's your risk and we do have a great HRT section and PCT section should the need arise.

    I'd still be interested to see dates of cycles and PCT's if you would care to oblige?

    Also, is your 'coach' your dealer? Or at lest put you in contact with him?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by chiponmyshoulder
    Lol touché on the username and I do expect criticism. Never did I say I was seeking approval or need a go get em tiger. I did come here for the knowledge. However telling me I'm gonna ruin the rest of my life is a pretty bold prediction based on what? Like I said I don't wanna run these dosages. I was asking for a better choice in dosages. I guess I should have worded my post better. But **** it every knows the right way to use steroids with very little clinical studies...Augustine where are you on this? Maybe some help from the guru!!
    In 18 years of practicing medicine, I've met plenty of young men who believed they were the exception, rather than the rule. They ignored the risks, cycled longer than advisable, their cycles were reckless and/or incomplete with inappropriate ancillary use and little or no PCT. In several cases, many of them got along fine for several years and finally their abuse caught up with them and they found themselves in front of me desperate for a medical miracle to make them feel like a normal functioning man again. There are few miracles in medicine and restarting a dysfunctional HTPA isn't as simple as you may assume.

    The guys here are simply trying to keep you safe and avoiding decisions you may one day regret. It's easy to be flippant when everything seems to be going well.....but life has a way of humbling us when we least expect it.

  12. #12
    No my coach isn't my dealer. And though I can't give you a specific day I believe it was the first week of October I ran a test e cycle until first week of January. I started pct 2 weeks later after the 4 week pct which would be end February I started current cycle. Roughly. Maybe off a week.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chiponmyshoulder View Post
    No my coach isn't my dealer. And though I can't give you a specific day I believe it was the first week of October I ran a test e cycle until first week of January. I started pct 2 weeks later after the 4 week pct which would be end February I started current cycle. Roughly. Maybe off a week.
    Well, you had zero time for recovery of your own natural test. So you have been shut down, in effect, for 6 months already.

    I strongly urge you to quit your cycle and run Dr Scally' power PCT (google it) and stay off for many months whilst you do lots and lots of research.opefully you have been running HCG throughout the last 6 months (with the exception of your OCT and week off).

  14. #14
    I just thought I would share with you after thinking long and hard and conversing with my wife I came to the conclusion I will pct and take the summer off. Thanks for advice BIB.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    No worries buddy. That's the right decision.

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