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Thread: Test Flu?? Please help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Test Flu?? Please help!

    Hey guys - I would really appreciate your input on this topic as I couldn't find any previous posts about it on this site when I searched "Test Flu" ...I ended up getting it and wow does it suck. I had no idea what hit me.

    I've pinned test cyp & test e many, many times in my life and have never experienced it...I have two sources and both are reliable. I was just finishing the last of my test cyp and picked up two more bottles and noticed they were test e (not sure if that even matters) I pinned on Monday morning with the new test e and bam! by days end, my world had stopped and I was sipping chicken noodle soup with a sore throat...Tuesday made Monday look like a walk in the park.

    Please tell me how I can prevent this from ever happening again and why it might have happened to me now? Its Thursday and I still feel a little sick, low energy and all, but I can tell the worst is over - I'm back to work tomorrow.

    I'm scared to pin again to be honest.

    1.) Can I get test flu again from the next pin from the same vial?

    2.) Is it solely a high ba content that causes test flu? What's the cause of it?

    3.) Is it preventable? If not, what can I do to lower the chances of it happening again?

    4.) Anything else I should know? Please, I am all eyes and ears right now.

    Thanks again for reading this. I'm pretty sure one of you knowledgeable members are a doctor, or at least plays one on TV, ha.

    Stay healthy!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    Quote Originally Posted by Demz View Post
    Hey guys - I would really appreciate your input on this topic as I couldn't find any previous posts about it on this site when I searched "Test Flu" ...I ended up getting it and wow does it suck. I had no idea what hit me.

    I've pinned test cyp & test e many, many times in my life and have never experienced it...I have two sources and both are reliable. I was just finishing the last of my test cyp and picked up two more bottles and noticed they were test e (not sure if that even matters) I pinned on Monday morning with the new test e and bam! by days end, my world had stopped and I was sipping chicken noodle soup with a sore throat...Tuesday made Monday look like a walk in the park.

    Please tell me how I can prevent this from ever happening again and why it might have happened to me now? Its Thursday and I still feel a little sick, low energy and all, but I can tell the worst is over - I'm back to work tomorrow.

    I'm scared to pin again to be honest.

    1.) Can I get test flu again from the next pin from the same vial?

    2.) Is it solely a high ba content that causes test flu? What's the cause of it?

    3.) Is it preventable? If not, what can I do to lower the chances of it happening again?

    4.) Anything else I should know? Please, I am all eyes and ears right now.

    Thanks again for reading this. I'm pretty sure one of you knowledgeable members are a doctor, or at least plays one on TV, ha.

    Stay healthy!
    What in the heck are you talking about? You think you got the flu from injecting test? Sounds like you caught a bug and you just go sick and would have if you didnt inject. This post is funny.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    What in the heck are you talking about? You think you got the flu from injecting test? Sounds like you caught a bug and you just go sick and would have if you didnt inject. This post is funny.
    Great input, wow - how did I luck out getting your response...

    I would like to have dismissed it that easy as well, but I know my body, I know it was the new test e...and trust me, there's not a lot to laugh about when you have mild flu like symptoms. Hit the search button and do a little reading. I come here because I trust the knowlagble members more than the other countless forums out there on the web. I encourage you to look into the subject before you so easily dismiss it.

  4. #4
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    Not from test C or E. normally test P might give you flu like systems. Its caused by them using Ethyl Oleate instead of using something like grapeseed or other high quality phara materials. My guess is his gear is made from low quality raw material , which carries a lot of heavy metals and other crap that could make you sick. You might feel like you have flu like symptoms but not the flu. You gear might have crashed in your body. You might have be sensitive or allergic to ethyl oleate. Sounds like a gear issue not the flu.

    But if you do have the flu, its still that time a year, its not from the test. Its from a virus. You don't get a virus from injections of test. I was laughing due to your symptoms and jumping to it being from one shot of test and then getting sick. Did you ask your sources to see if anyone else had this happen to them?? Or did you jump to conclusion?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    anyone who has experience with test flu?
    Last edited by Demz; 04-04-2014 at 08:01 AM.

  6. #6
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    I've felt sick for a few days on the start of a couple cycles. It will pass.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demz
    anyone who has experience with test flu?
    Hey bro,

    It's a possibility of your body rejecting the gear a bit. That's what test flu is really

    Is this new gear from a new place? Or have u shot it before?

    I had this twice - it passed within 2 days both times. Felt like a mild cold as soon I started the gear. After the initial few days I had no similar symptoms from the same gear in the following shots.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    Not from test C or E. normally test P might give you flu like systems. Its caused by them using Ethyl Oleate instead of using something like grapeseed or other high quality phara materials. My guess is his gear is made from low quality raw material , which carries a lot of heavy metals and other crap that could make you sick. You might feel like you have flu like symptoms but not the flu. You gear might have crashed in your body. You might have be sensitive or allergic to ethyl oleate. Sounds like a gear issue not the flu.

    But if you do have the flu, its still that time a year, its not from the test. Its from a virus. You don't get a virus from injections of test. I was laughing due to your symptoms and jumping to it being from one shot of test and then getting sick. Did you ask your sources to see if anyone else had this happen to them?? Or did you jump to conclusion?
    Sounds like a gear issue to me too Tahl. I have only done pharma grade AAS from day one so I have no experience with these poorly concocted substances. Tahl is right about the sensitivity Demz so don't be so quick to dismiss his statement either despite him being a little rough around the edges, aren't we all?

    Any time you inject a foreign substance in your body, especially AAS that cause huge changes in your hormone levels quickly, you risk having your immune system react. This goes doubly if you have poor gear like Tahl alluded to. Your body, instead of absorbing it and adjusting accordingly like we want, will send out a ton of antibodies to attack the foreign substance. Your body just sees it as a foreign substance and is trying to maintain a certain homeostasis. If it were me and that were all the gear I had, I would do another shot according to my cycle and if it went bad too I would throw it out and PCT it up. Otherwise it seems like a crap shoot.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Hey bro,

    It's a possibility of your body rejecting the gear a bit. That's what test flu is really

    Is this new gear from a new place? Or have u shot it before?

    I had this twice - it passed within 2 days both times. Felt like a mild cold as soon I started the gear. After the initial few days I had no similar symptoms from the same gear in the following shots.
    Good to hear you didn't catch it twice from the same batch, makes me feel confident enough to give it another go. I agree with you Ranger, if the next shot is bad - it's out. I was curious if a batch that had a high ba count would keep giving you the flu each time or not...I've had this source for years, never had a problem with quality - this would be the first time.

  10. #10
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    Exactly, my plan was the same - one more shot being bad, I'd stop

  11. #11
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    You don't get a sore throat from the so called test flu. It is generally a lethargic feeling achy and can be accompanied by a low grade fever. It's a minor reaction to the ingredients and or impurities in the gear.

    You more than likely got it at the gym. You know how people love to go to the gym and sweat it out and contaminate everyone else while they cough and slob their crap all over the equipment.

  12. #12
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    You don't get a sore throat from the so called test flu. It is generally a lethargic feeling achy and can be accompanied by a low grade fever. It's a minor reaction to the ingredients and or impurities in the gear.

    You more than likely got it at the gym. You know how people love to go to the gym and sweat it out and contaminate everyone else while they cough and slob their crap all over the equipment.
    ^^^agreed, its probably a coincidence and you are actually legitimately sick by other means other than your gear imho...

  13. #13
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    Apr 2010
    Not stealing your thread-- wondering if it's the same source.
    Just read this I was going to ask the same... Been pinning new source gear and lately seems like my energy is crashed low appetite and strength is down with size and lots of pip.recently today after pinning last night it's worst pip and just feel like dirt just wanna sleep, stomach hurts feel a little warm as well. Not sure what it is. I did drive to the valley to visit maybe I cought a bug here. Bit seems like it's progressing .

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Can someone PM me on this ?

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