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Hey guys - I would really appreciate your input on this topic as I couldn't find any previous posts about it on this site when I searched "Test Flu" ...I ended up getting it and wow does it suck. I had no idea what hit me.
I've pinned test cyp & test e many, many times in my life and have never experienced it...I have two sources and both are reliable. I was just finishing the last of my test cyp and picked up two more bottles and noticed they were test e (not sure if that even matters) I pinned on Monday morning with the new test e and bam! by days end, my world had stopped and I was sipping chicken noodle soup with a sore throat...Tuesday made Monday look like a walk in the park.
Please tell me how I can prevent this from ever happening again and why it might have happened to me now? Its Thursday and I still feel a little sick, low energy and all, but I can tell the worst is over - I'm back to work tomorrow.
I'm scared to pin again to be honest.
1.) Can I get test flu again from the next pin from the same vial?
2.) Is it solely a high ba content that causes test flu? What's the cause of it?
3.) Is it preventable? If not, what can I do to lower the chances of it happening again?
4.) Anything else I should know? Please, I am all eyes and ears right now.
Thanks again for reading this. I'm pretty sure one of you knowledgeable members are a doctor, or at least plays one on TV, ha.
Stay healthy!