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Thread: Minor Case of Gyno, Raloxifene did not work. What to do?

  1. #1

    Minor Case of Gyno, Raloxifene did not work. What to do?

    Hello guys,

    I have a minor case of gyno. Even after losing some weight, the skin around my nipples just pop-out and if I pinch I can feel a little mass under them. There is more of it under my left. For exemple, when I am cold, my right one get hard but my left stay all puffy. It's not a big issue but always seeing the nipples pop-out through t-shirts makes me feel really uncunfortable.

    A few months ago, I ordered a 60ml bottle of Raloxifene from the site's sponsor. I ran 60mg/day for the first week then dropped to 30mg/day for the remaining of the bottle, following a protocol found on the internet saying running 60mg for long periods of time would cause bone demineralization. It didn't make any difference. I was wondering if I ran it long enough to see any results or if it simply didn't work. I have read about people seeing results from 100-150mg in a week or so. Some people added ATD in their, wich I don't know what it is.

    What safe protocol would you guys recommend me? I really want to solve this problem.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by NeuroPump View Post
    Hello guys,

    I have a minor case of gyno. Even after losing some weight, the skin around my nipples just pop-out and if I pinch I can feel a little mass under them. There is more of it under my left. For exemple, when I am cold, my right one get hard but my left stay all puffy. It's not a big issue but always seeing the nipples pop-out through t-shirts makes me feel really uncunfortable.

    A few months ago, I ordered a 60ml bottle of Raloxifene from the site's sponsor. I ran 60mg/day for the first week then dropped to 30mg/day for the remaining of the bottle, following a protocol found on the internet saying running 60mg for long periods of time would cause bone demineralization. It didn't make any difference. I was wondering if I ran it long enough to see any results or if it simply didn't work. I have read about people seeing results from 100-150mg in a week or so. Some people added ATD in their, wich I don't know what it is.

    What safe protocol would you guys recommend me? I really want to solve this problem.

    Me personally I got rid of some pre-gyno which is what you might have with Tamoxifen and Aromasin. But you could also go with letro and Tamoxifen. I would do something like this:

    week 1: 60mg Nolva ED / Aromasin 25mg ED
    Week 2: 40mg Nolva ED / Aromasin 25mg ED
    Wee 3 - until it subsides: 20mg Nolva ED / Aromasin 12.5mg ED

    I followed this protocol and got rid of a pebble like object in less than 3 weeks.

    I don't think you need letro if it's not full blown gyno yet. If it persists see a doctor right away. Hope this helps.
    Last edited by NoBulkNoCutJustGrow; 04-05-2014 at 11:40 AM.

  3. #3

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