Who here has ran it? And what were your sides?
I am tapering off right now & would like to hear from someone else who's been on it.
Who here has ran it? And what were your sides?
I am tapering off right now & would like to hear from someone else who's been on it.
Hey Samson, I have a question about Letrozole. I just got my gear in and Letrozole was included and I was wondering if I should run it with my cycle? I was told .5mg per day but I've read some rather nasty stuff and side effects about it and I've never used it before so maybe you could give some advice on the matter.
My cycle is 16 weeks and as follows:
Equi 400: 600mg / week
Test 400 Blend: 600mg / week
Tren E 200: 400mg / week
Until week 14 then:
Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate 100mg) for week 15 & 16
I've heard it's pretty harsh and kills your sex drive, any advice would be appreciated.
Pretty strong cycle
IMO 2 weeks of mast is not enough
Letro is not necessary IMO unless you are seriously seeing gyno issues. I did, I was coming off a tren e & test cycle - out of nowhere, my nipples started to hurt. I went straight for letro & ran the posted protocol - Growing bitch tits is not cool
Everything is perfect after 2 weeks of being on total
Now, I am tapering off very slow - But, I feel so rough
I run caber & stane every 3rd day when on a cycle with tren
Considering switching to prami next tren run
Sides from letro for me were low e relaated. Joints sore, tired, no sex drive. Other sides include cholesterol issues as well as a reduction in igf and hgh production, again all low estro related
Thanks for the info, ya Letrozole sounds like it's to harsh to run with the cycle but I'll keep it in case Gyno is an issue.
Samson I'm not familiar with Prami, what is that?
Also what's your recommendation on the Masterol?
Yeah, letro is nice to have on hand - but only run when necessary
Look up the dose of Prami bro, I am not 100% certain since I have not run it myself yet
On the mast, I liked it for the final month of my last year's tren cycle. This year, I will be doing the same - maybe 6 weeks
I seem to take a lot of mast before seeing results, from what I understand it's because I was still fat last time. I ran it all the way up to almost 700mg a week. Mast made me feel like my muscle was straight granite by week 4 last year.
Good info, I'll keep it in mind and see what I'm looking like at week 12. I may start the Masterol a little earlier.
i dose stane every day..even when I was cruising at 200mg/week..... 12.5mg
I mimic everything Jimmy said here. I used it for a bit of reversal and I felt absolutely horrible!
Thanks for this thread Samson it really cleared up my questions and saved me some grief that I may have had from taking Letrozole. I have Arimidex on the way.
Yeah, taking letro unless necessary just doesn't sound like a good idea
I use 300mcg eod of letro, sex drive is fine and I wake up with a hard on throughout the night, currently running test e 600mg p/w tren e 600mg p/w with very little bad sides. Currently in week 10-11
I have crashed my estrogen twice reversing gyno in previous cycles and recovery was terrible for months, adex just didn't cut it for me to control growth of little lumps under nips from when I was a teenager.
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