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Thread: using different gear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    out there

    using different gear

    When buying gear is it best to stick with one brand per cycle and just go with it until you find your winner?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Yes try to stick to the same lab no big deal but what if you had 2 good vials & 2 sh*t vials you cycle starts good then you swap then bang nothing see what i mean.
    There are some good ugl's out there and there are some pure under dosed crap but if you have a good source you will be g2g.
    Last edited by clarky.; 04-10-2014 at 03:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    out there
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Yes try to stick to the same lab no big deal but what if you had 2 good vials & 2 sh*t vials you cycle starts good then you swap then bang nothing see what i mean.
    There are some good ugl's out there and there are some pure under dosed crap but if you have a good source you will be g2g.
    Those were the things I was thinking. You have insight on genshi or roids plus?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Yes try to stick to the same lab no big deal but what if you had 2 good vials & 2 sh*t vials you cycle starts good then you swap then bang nothing see what i mean.
    There are some good ugl's out there and there are some pure under dosed crap but if you have a good source you will be g2g.

    Good advice.

    I've had an issue arise before. I had 2 vials of test from 2 different labs. 1 good, and 1 wasn' created unnecessary problems.

  5. #5
    If you have a good source you're golden. It really is almost impossible to tell if gear is good until you use them, then it's too late.

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