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Thread: First cycle in years and need help!

  1. #1

    First cycle in years and need help!

    Sup brothers I'm in need of help. Looking to run an 8 week cycle.

    27 years old
    Did 3 cycles in my life test e only when I was 22, prop and tren when I was 23 and test and eq when I was 24. Haven't touched anything in almost 4 years. Looking to bring body fat down as much as possible the next 8 weeks while also maintain and possibly gain some lean muscle mass. Looking for advice on a solid 8 week cycle to accompany my diet and training. Sticking around 2500 cals a day (250g protein, 150g carbs, 100g fat) is this too low? I don't want my cycle to be for nothing. Train 5-6 days with 20-30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days per week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    You might want to start with getting to know your TDYY first. Here is a calculator. TDEE Calculator Lost of great information about diet on here. NUTRITION RESOURCE FORUM Have you had your blood work done? What are your goals? Do you have an AI and HCG ( ) lined up while on cycle? What about your PCT plan? PCT (POST CYCLE THERAPY)

  3. #3
    Run Test Prop for 8 weeks + HCT 250iu two times per week + adex .25mg eod. Wait 3 days PCT with Nolva 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50. Eat strict and do cardio.

  4. #4
    According to that calculator my tdee is 3000 cals. I was thinking something along the line of what Scotch Guard layed out or my pct. Ideally I would like to get my body fat down to the 10% range but keep my weight around 210-215. Do you guys think the diet I laid out above is the right way to approach my goal? Will still be doing cardio 5 days a week 20-30minute sessions

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