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Thread: Let Me Re-Explain

  1. #1

    Let Me Re-Explain

    I'm not looking at long term use. And I'm not looking at starting full cycles.

    I'm looking at using 1 steroid. Something as a stand alone "additive" to my supplementation.

    Just long enough to help me achieve my goal. Which isn't a lot. I'm more worried about losing weight than I am about gains. Gains come too of course, but they're back burner for now.

    Mind you... The more lean muscle you have the more fat you burn so maybe I should be worried about gains first and weight loss later.

    Either way. I'm not looking at long term or cycling.

    Just a boost lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    At 19 I doubt anyone would recommend any type of cycle. By "additive to my supplementation" I guess you mean taking oral steroids. This would be especially risky for a developing HTPA. Good diet and training will yield excellent results at 19, your natural testosterone will be at its highest giving you the best chances of growth. Check out the nutrition section on this board and get your diet on track. Just my 0.2c

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by thephoenix25 View Post
    At 19 I doubt anyone would recommend any type of cycle. By "additive to my supplementation" I guess you mean taking oral steroids. This would be especially risky for a developing HTPA. Good diet and training will yield excellent results at 19, your natural testosterone will be at its highest giving you the best chances of growth. Check out the nutrition section on this board and get your diet on track. Just my 0.2c
    I'm broke though. There's the deciding factor. I went out and bought $400 worth of supplements when I got my tax return. Once they're gone they're gone. I can't afford to keep replacing them, and I definitely can't afford to eat healthy.

    My diet = what ever my dad or his girlfriend cooks.

    I'm unemployed, and living in one of the most poverty stricken areas in Canada.

    There are literally no jobs. Especially for a 19 year old high school dropouts.

    When it comes right down to it, I'm gonna have better results for the money with steroids.

    Natural or not, I don't care.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    At 19 you're better off being natural. Don't **** yourself up bro. The best thing for you is to just eat right. As for supplementation it's really over rated. You don't need all that bull these companies try to sell you.

    Perfect natty cycle
    DAA powder or chews
    Protein powder
    Any PH you want. I prefer beastdrol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    I'm broke though. There's the deciding factor. I went out and bought $400 worth of supplements when I got my tax return. Once they're gone they're gone. I can't afford to keep replacing them, and I definitely can't afford to eat healthy.

    My diet = what ever my dad or his girlfriend cooks.

    I'm unemployed, and living in one of the most poverty stricken areas in Canada.

    There are literally no jobs. Especially for a 19 year old high school dropouts.

    When it comes right down to it, I'm gonna have better results for the money with steroids.

    Natural or not, I don't care.
    This is simply not true, without a good diet you wont achieve your goal whether you use steroids or not. I know this is not what you want to hear but its the truth. Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive but it does take a bit of research to understand what you can or should eat. For example when bulking and you want higher calories you can add oatmeal in with your normal protein shake to add clean calories. Chicken is cheap and very easy to cook and is one of the best sources of protein around.

    Bottom line, if you cant afford to eat health, you defiantly cannot afford to take steroids period.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by thephoenix25 View Post
    This is simply not true, without a good diet you wont achieve your goal whether you use steroids or not. I know this is not what you want to hear but its the truth. Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive but it does take a bit of research to understand what you can or should eat. For example when bulking and you want higher calories you can add oatmeal in with your normal protein shake to add clean calories. Chicken is cheap and very easy to cook and is one of the best sources of protein around.

    Bottom line, if you cant afford to eat health, you defiantly cannot afford to take steroids period.
    Good enough. When it runs out I'll just stop going to the gym.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    Good enough. When it runs out I'll just stop going to the gym.
    If you want to give up on your goals because there is no quick fix then that is your choice. But you should probably know that at 19 you have the best natural chances of achieving them. You testosterone production is at its highest it will ever be naturally. Expensive supplements are not necessary for you to loose fat or to gain muscle they are just that "supplements".

    If you give up on life goals because you cant cheat, then good luck when your life goals become more serious.

  8. #8
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    Back from Afghanistan
    funny. I've never met anyone that just cycled once. Although I've talked to several that originally intended in cycling once.

  9. #9
    I'm not giving up on life goals because I can't cut corners. I'm giving up because I can't afford it.

    I make $350 a month. Pay $200 for rent, $50 on deodorant and shit, and the other $100 is usually owed to someone by the time I get my next check.

    I had $1300 all at one time, so instead of buying a pound of pot (which seems like it would have been the smarter choice now...) I bought a 3 months gym membership and supplements because my diet isn't really controllable and I wouldn't be getting enough protein and shit otherwise.

    Would I like to cut corners? Sure. But no matter which way I do it, I can't afford it.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    funny. I've never met anyone that just cycled once. Although I've talked to several that originally intended in cycling once.
    I planned on cycling once just to see how it was. Now here I am 10 cycles later lol

  11. #11
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    Apr 2014
    Cutting corners? Steroids are not cutting corners. It's not a miracle compound you inject, lift a handful of times and you become Arnold. It requires diet and exercise to make work. I get the feeling you're misled along with 90% of the people out there on how steroids work.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by tren_monster View Post
    Cutting corners? Steroids are not cutting corners. It's not a miracle compound you inject, lift a handful of times and you become Arnold. It requires diet and exercise to make work. I get the feeling you're misled along with 90% of the people out there on how steroids work.
    I know how steroids work. You make gains while on cycle, you lose some while off cycle. I was only planning on using until I reached my desired result. Losing the gains wouldn't be a big deal, due to the fact that my primary goal is to go from being big to being average.

    It won't all be for nothing, I'd get the muscle mass back naturally at some point.

    But there's no point in discussing it anymore lol. I'm not doing it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    I'm not giving up on life goals because I can't cut corners. I'm giving up because I can't afford it.

    I make $350 a month. Pay $200 for rent, $50 on deodorant and shit, and the other $100 is usually owed to someone by the time I get my next check.

    I had $1300 all at one time, so instead of buying a pound of pot (which seems like it would have been the smarter choice now...) I bought a 3 months gym membership and supplements because my diet isn't really controllable and I wouldn't be getting enough protein and shit otherwise.

    Would I like to cut corners? Sure. But no matter which way I do it, I can't afford it.
    Things you could do towards your goals that don't cost any money :

    Go for a run around the block/park
    Press ups
    Sit ups
    Jump rope
    Pull ups
    Resistance training like curls or over head presses with water bottles filled with sand (or just water)
    Go for a walk
    Ask your food providers for extra meat and less fatty foods
    Dont eat high sugar deserts
    Avoid soda

    While you have gym membership, work your ass off, ask trainers there for tips on bodyweight exercises you can do at home. Talk to other members and see what they do outside of the gym.

    The health and diet industry is huge and wants to take your money, but it isn't essential to use any of their products to live a health lifestyle and get fit. Understand you limitations whether it be financial, physical or geographical and find ways around them.

    Any way, your call, I wish you the best in what you choose.

  14. #14
    I can't do bodyweight exercises...

    If you're talking about chin ups and push ups and shit lol. My upper body isn't strong enough to lift my body weight.

  15. #15
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd
    I can't do bodyweight exercises... If you're talking about chin ups and push ups and shit lol. My upper body isn't strong enough to lift my body weight.
    If you can't even lift your own damn body weight you're nowhere near ready for gear. Start doing body weight exercises and make your upper body stronger.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    I can't do bodyweight exercises...

    If you're talking about chin ups and push ups and shit lol. My upper body isn't strong enough to lift my body weight.
    Sorry can't is not acceptable lol

    Do push ups on your knees until you are strong enough to do push ups with your legs out straight.
    To do chin ups you can put a chair underneath climb up to the top position and lower yourself down, then climb back up to the top and lower down again.

    Everyone starts somewhere, all the huge guys you see, at one time, couldn't do loads of press ups and pull ups.

    If you are just starting out there is a phenomenon called "noob gains" which means for the first few months of training hard muscle gain and fat loss is achievable at the same time. It is all stacked in your favour at the moment, take advantage of it!

    Good luck

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    I'm broke though. There's the deciding factor. I went out and bought $400 worth of supplements when I got my tax return. Once they're gone they're gone. I can't afford to keep replacing them, and I definitely can't afford to eat healthy.

    My diet = what ever my dad or his girlfriend cooks.

    I'm unemployed, and living in one of the most poverty stricken areas in Canada.

    There are literally no jobs. Especially for a 19 year old high school dropouts.

    When it comes right down to it, I'm gonna have better results for the money with steroids.

    Natural or not, I don't care.
    First of all, if you plan to use an oral steroid or prohormone, think again. You've got liver problems and those stress the liver.

    What's in your best interest is for you to scrape whatever money you can get together and move to a part of Canada where you can find a job. Either that or go to school and get yourself an education.

    Steroids aren't a magic pill. If your diet sucks there isn't a steroid in the world that will give you a good body.

    And reading your other posts, it dawned on me what you should be doing. Tomorrow morning, you get up at 6 am. You shower and shave and put your nice clothes on. Then you walk around your town from 7am on stopping at every business on the way and introduce yourself. Ask them if they're hiring or if in the future they may be hiring. Put your applications in where ever you can (if nothing more so they know you're looking and they might call you when they do have an opening). This "there is no jobs anywhere" bullshit is something losers say when they're trying to talk themselves out of trying.

    You do that long enough, you'll eventually get a job. And from there, you'll start being able to afford proper food and gym memberships.

    In otherwords, stop being a lazy shitbag.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 04-11-2014 at 02:25 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Ufff you’re givin that poor guy false hopes. If he wants to get big, he hast to go through that.
    Depending on your goals, roids will do the biggest part of the job. If I was you, I would buy some creatine, cycle 2 month on, 1 month of, until you’re 21 or so. Try to play with your diet, to get optimal results, you won’t get the physique you’re dreaming of, but you’ll learn how to eat and how your body works, that’s very important. And last, when you’re 21, you can start thinking about roids if roids are the only solution for your life.
    You want the truth? Roids are the only way to get big and shredded, Diet is BS, workout is BS and supplements are the greatest BS. Sounds easy, get a pack od Dbols, and you’re G2G.
    No its not easy, you have to deal with the fact that your body gets messed up hard, and you likely end up the same as before, but with a fcked up body and less money, so its up to you.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Ufff you’re givin that poor guy false hopes. If he wants to get big, he hast to go through that.
    Depending on your goals, roids will do the biggest part of the job. If I was you, I would buy some creatine, cycle 2 month on, 1 month of, until you’re 21 or so. Try to play with your diet, to get optimal results, you won’t get the physique you’re dreaming of, but you’ll learn how to eat and how your body works, that’s very important. And last, when you’re 21, you can start thinking about roids if roids are the only solution for your life.
    You want the truth? Roids are the only way to get big and shredded, Diet is BS, workout is BS and supplements are the greatest BS. Sounds easy, get a pack od Dbols, and you’re G2G.
    No its not easy, you have to deal with the fact that your body gets messed up hard, and you likely end up the same as before, but with a fcked up body and less money, so its up to you.
    I'm trying to remain polite but can you even comprehend how utterly stupid and/or disillusioned you are? The only other option is you're a splinter cell troll but then there's the intellect part....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Ufff you’re givin that poor guy false hopes. If he wants to get big, he hast to go through that.
    Depending on your goals, roids will do the biggest part of the job. If I was you, I would buy some creatine, cycle 2 month on, 1 month of, until you’re 21 or so. Try to play with your diet, to get optimal results, you won’t get the physique you’re dreaming of, but you’ll learn how to eat and how your body works, that’s very important. And last, when you’re 21, you can start thinking about roids if roids are the only solution for your life.
    You want the truth? Roids are the only way to get big and shredded, Diet is BS, workout is BS and supplements are the greatest BS. Sounds easy, get a pack od Dbols, and you’re G2G.
    No its not easy, you have to deal with the fact that your body gets messed up hard, and you likely end up the same as before, but with a fcked up body and less money, so its up to you.
    Ahh you got me ..... yea the only real way achieve the body of your dreams is to steal body parts from dead people :
    Meanwhile back on planet Earth....

  21. #21
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    Defiling Myself
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 04-11-2014 at 05:20 AM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tren_monster View Post
    I planned on cycling once just to see how it was. Now here I am 10 cycles later lol
    ...illustrating my point entirely.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by tren_monster View Post
    At 19 you're better off being natural. Don't **** yourself up bro. The best thing for you is to just eat right. As for supplementation it's really over rated. You don't need all that bull these companies try to sell you.

    Perfect natty cycle
    DAA powder or chews
    Protein powder
    Any PH you want. I prefer beastdrol
    Ph arent natty wtf are you talking about, he will screw himself with PH...

  24. #24
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    1. No money
    2. No Job
    3. No high school diploma
    4. No ambition
    Figuring out what steroid to cycle with is the least of your problems.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Ufff you're givin that poor guy false hopes. If he wants to get big, he hast to go through that.
    Depending on your goals, roids will do the biggest part of the job. If I was you, I would buy some creatine, cycle 2 month on, 1 month of, until you're 21 or so. Try to play with your diet, to get optimal results, you won't get the physique you're dreaming of, but you'll learn how to eat and how your body works, that's very important. And last, when you're 21, you can start thinking about roids if roids are the only solution for your life.
    You want the truth? Roids are the only way to get big and shredded, Diet is BS, workout is BS and supplements are the greatest BS. Sounds easy, get a pack od Dbols, and you're G2G.
    No its not easy, you have to deal with the fact that your body gets messed up hard, and you likely end up the same as before, but with a fcked up body and less money, so its up to you.
    I am not sure, but I don't believe we can ban stupid can we? There's got to be something else we can get this guy for. This guy needs to be gone. I really can't believe he is still around.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    I am not sure, but I don't believe we can ban stupid can we? There's got to be something else we can get this guy for. This guy needs to be gone. I really can't believe he is still around.
    Eugenics looks less immoral every passing day....

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123
    Eugenics looks less immoral every passing day....
    Certainly not going to get any argument from me. He needs to stop offering advice of any kind because it's now more than himself he's potentially harming.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by thephoenix25 View Post
    If you want to give up on your goals because there is no quick fix then that is your choice. But you should probably know that at 19 you have the best natural chances of achieving them. You testosterone production is at its highest it will ever be naturally. Expensive supplements are not necessary for you to loose fat or to gain muscle they are just that "supplements".

    If you give up on life goals because you cant cheat, then good luck when your life goals become more serious.
    Great advice throughout the thread Phoenix.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    I'm broke though.

    My diet = what ever my dad or his girlfriend cooks.

    I'm unemployed, and living in one of the most poverty stricken areas in Canada.

    There are literally no jobs. Especially for a 19 year old high school dropouts.
    Don't waste money on supplements!

    Make moving out a top priority.

    Man, we live in Canada. Our economy is excellent, compared to most of the developed world. We have plenty of opportunities here, for those who want them!!

    Push ups, chin ups, body weight squats.... All can be modified easier or harder. Do that every phuckin' day, for 2 months, any you'll be shocked by the results...all for free!!

    Then, get your lazy ass down to a construction site, with your hard hat, and steel toe boots, and start working. Can't afford the safety equipment? We have top notch social services, that want to give you a hand Up! They'll set you up ASAP! No work where you are? Move to Fort Mac. You've already considered it, so just do it!!

    No excuses Man, the world is waiting for you!!

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    Don't waste money on supplements!

    Make moving out a top priority.

    Man, we live in Canada. Our economy is excellent, compared to most of the developed world. We have plenty of opportunities here, for those who want them!!

    Push ups, chin ups, body weight squats.... All can be modified easier or harder. Do that every phuckin' day, for 2 months, any you'll be shocked by the results...all for free!!

    Then, get your lazy ass down to a construction site, with your hard hat, and steel toe boots, and start working. Can't afford the safety equipment? We have top notch social services, that want to give you a hand Up! They'll set you up ASAP! No work where you are? Move to Fort Mac. You've already considered it, so just do it!!

    No excuses Man, the world is waiting for you!!
    How's this for an excuse?

    The government gives me $347 a month for assistance. Of that, I pay $200 for rent, and roughly $50 on deodorant and shit. The other $97 has to stretch from the 2nd of one month, until the 1st of the next when I get another check. But it's usually owed to someone by the time I get my next check. $97 isn't even enough to cover the cost of transportation around the city to drop off resumes.

    For short trips the cabs charge $5. For a trip to the other side of the river it's $9. And that's a short trip too, but we cross a bridge instead of staying on this side which is apparently worth an extra $4. To get to the OTHER side of town, it's $12 - $14 a trip.

    And stops = $1 per minute

    Interviews can sometimes last up to 20.

    And no, I have no friends that can drive me around or family. My dad works all day, and yes I have a license but that does absolutely **** all without a car.

    I'm considering buying a piece of shit neon for like $300 that I can just use illegally.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Dredd View Post
    How's this for an excuse?

    The government gives me $347 a month for assistance. Of that, I pay $200 for rent, and roughly $50 on deodorant and shit. The other $97 has to stretch from the 2nd of one month, until the 1st of the next when I get another check. But it's usually owed to someone by the time I get my next check. $97 isn't even enough to cover the cost of transportation around the city to drop off resumes.

    For short trips the cabs charge $5. For a trip to the other side of the river it's $9. And that's a short trip too, but we cross a bridge instead of staying on this side which is apparently worth an extra $4. To get to the OTHER side of town, it's $12 - $14 a trip.

    And stops = $1 per minute

    Interviews can sometimes last up to 20.

    And no, I have no friends that can drive me around or family. My dad works all day, and yes I have a license but that does absolutely **** all without a car.

    I'm considering buying a piece of shit neon for like $300 that I can just use illegally.
    Sorry dude, this is a bad excuse.

    You have legs right? You can walk, ride a bike, borrow a bike if you don't have one. They do have buses in Canada don't they? Buses are much cheaper than a cab.

    Talk to you social services about interviews and what they can do to help you get to them, or help to cover the cost of posting resumes.

    See if you can get interviews on days your Dad isn't working and get him to drive you. I'm sure he would help if he could see you are making an effort to get work. How about extended family, uncles, aunts, cousins, grand parents? Can they help you get around to interviews. If you get a job, you can often arrange to share a lift with another employee, or ask the social services if they can help you with car pools etc.

    Honestly dude, you're making excuses, sure none of this shit is appealing to do, but then neither is living with your parents when you have no money and no transport to get out. Getting a job will fix most of your problems you have described here.

  32. #32
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    This is literally the most entertaining thing I have read in weeks.

    OP, go to the gym, don't go to the gym, do body weight exercises, don't do them, eat right, eat like crap, whatever you think is best. Most of these guys, with the exception of the necromancer andrea, are giving you great advice so I am not going to beat a dead horse. If you don't want to listen and want to make excuses then find, if there is a will there is a way. I was a dirt poor undergrad student whose parents were too shitty to help me any. I know what dirt poor is like, I have been there. I didn't make excuses, I made things happen through hard work.

    I do have some advice for you that hasn't been elaborated on though. Stop making excuses, all I read on here are excuses. You are a quitter and it sickens me just reading your many excuses. Consider this tough love and hopefully a motivating kick in the nuts but you really need to sack up, go back to school while you still can, and then get a job. Do you see why everyone discourages people from dropping out of school? Look at yourself, living off of mine, and others' taxes and barely living at that. You need to get your life together. If you quit school and are looking for the easy way out in getting big then what makes you think you have enough motivation to continue working out your entire life? You don't just get big then enjoy the benefits while relaxing. It is a constant battle to maintain muscle and not lose what you have worked for.

    It really does suck that you have such little money and instead of using it as a means to get your life in order you are more worried about using drugs you know very little about. You can look big all you want, that will get you some women. But if you really want the keepers who have brains and beauty, you're going to need more than just muscles.

  33. #33
    Cabs, for a short trip??

    See, this is part of the problem Man.
    Hitch, walk, buy a $20 bike at a garage sale.

    $50 a month on deodorant n stuff?? Come on! 1 stick of deodorant should last many months. A bar of soap, a month. Tube of tooth paste, 2 months. Shampoo n conditioner? Forget them, cut yer hair short, and use the bar soap. $10 a month on grooming, is plenty, in your situation. Don't buy into the hype!

    It's all about priorities...

    I know it's hard, when yer in the thick of the black, but people claw their way outta much worse, every day. How much do You want it? Y

  34. #34
    Wow, Phoenix, RangerDanger, and Mr. Bastard all with great advice that OP will surely find an excuse to not follow. Idk what's worse OP, being in your position or listening to all the excuses. Probably the latter though.

    You dropped out of school so who's fault is that? You have no job so who's fault is that? You have no money so who's fault is that? Etc etc etc. You will go nowhere until you realize excuses are nothing more than wasted breath. Action on the other hand is the prerequisite to success.

    "We are responsible for what we are, and we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.

  35. #35
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    I smell a troll...

  36. #36
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    I see the military in your future!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    I see the military in your future!
    I swear I was just thinking the same thing. I would like to add that I was in the military and most of my peers were college educated so the unintelligent stigma isn't true across the board. But there is no denying the fact that he doesn't have many other options with his attitude. The military would straighten him up a little maybe.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Steroids will do nothing for you. If you can't eat right there will be no benefit. Can't do push ups???? Please don't use steroids.

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