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Somatotyping is a fallacy If you don't believe me look up it's history and founder William Herbert Sheldon. Not only do I see several things wrong with it but all it creates is an avenue to make excuses. If your goals are important enough to use gear in order to achieve and expose yourself to the numerous health risks, then they should also be important enough to eat as much or as little as it takes to accomplish them and to set a foundation from which to hop over to AAS. Personally I do not ever use those terms (ecto, meso, and whatever the third one is) and hate reading them. It's a pet peeve of mine and I don't want to derail your thread.
If you want to get from point A to B then at the end of the day all that matters is you making it to B. Whatever name you want to classify yourself as, the amount of difficulty it took to get there, how your genes are dead against you, etc matters not a damn bit. You either made it or you didn't.
I ask you to think for yourself, by figuring out which classification you are, how has that helped you in your training, diet, or progressing to your goals? All you know now is that you may have to work slightly harder, slightly less, or just the same as your neighbor and all it's told me about you is that you've made an excuse as to why you're not closer to your goals today than you were yesterday...