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Thread: I have never run AI or PCT.

  1. #1

    I have never run AI or PCT.

    Ok. I know I'm gonna get bashed for this but I lower down doses at the end of cycle in steps. I was taught this way and have never changed. Will I get better results? Or stay with my current pattern? I don't know if it matters but, these are the products I've used. Test usually no higher than 500 wk and tren e no higher than 600. The only reason I ask I. Cause I see a lot of form posts and stickies on it and was wondering if I'm missing out.

    Pfizer test Cyp
    Anabolic nation tren e
    Anabolic nation test e
    Sciroxx test e
    Sciroxx tren e

    Local brewer:
    Test e
    Tren e

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Your question is??

  3. #3
    Well I wanted to know if someone had done a cycle both ways and could give me advantages and disadvantages of both

  4. #4
    I know it's bro science but I asked a old friend and he said stick to old ways cause if I switch I might always have to run AI or a PCT. Is this true?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Joeshmo View Post
    I know it's bro science but I asked a old friend and he said stick to old ways cause if I switch I might always have to run AI or a PCT. Is this true?
    That is literally the worst piece of advice I could think to give you right now. You need to do PCT, PCT isn't addictive narcotics. You should do them every time no matter if you have done them before or not. You need to research more on these forums about what PCT is, why it is done, how, and then come back with more specific questions. No intelligent member on here is going to tell you to not do a PCT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Pct is a must for all cycles.

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