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Thread: Anavar ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Anavar ?

    Im doing an 18 week cycle, broken down into 10 wk mass(lean) and 6 wk cutting for a show.
    If wondering why im choosing to run test e and a, im just using a similar logic behind sus, except there is no way to keep steady levels with sus, where as i can completely control these compounds

    1st 10 wks
    Dbol 40 ed
    Test E 500 w
    Test Ace 150 eod
    Npp 150 Eod

    Last 8 wks
    test p 100 eod
    tren a 150 eod
    mast 150 eod
    anavar 80 ed

    Would it be beneficial to run the anavar the entire 18 weeks or keep it just the last 8

  2. #2
    18 week cycle ending with Tren is gonna be hard on your HPTA. I wouldn't recommend such a cycle. If you want to do a bulk/cut why not run your bulk cycle followed by a clen/t4/keto cycle? You can cut a lot of fat with the clen cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    at the end of week 18 i will be 5 days from competition. would you say your suggestion would be a better in that situation

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by Metal1877 View Post
    at the end of week 18 i will be 5 days from competition. would you say your suggestion would be a better in that situation
    You didn't mention competition to me.
    What class are you going for? You're 220 now? No need to bulk. It won't amount to anything.

    If your body fat is sub 10

    Prop or Ace since you favor it.
    Tren A
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 04-11-2014 at 11:42 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Hey Cape, sorry about that. Yes it is preparing for competition. My weight today is actually around 210 thanks to a stomach virus but that's what the goal is top condition. Bf is around 14 or 15 but i have no issues at all lowering it at any time. Thank god for decent genetics

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