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Thread: Have started another cycle, need advice please, have done many, thanks in advance :)

  1. #1

    Smile Have started another cycle, need advice please, have done many, thanks in advance :)

    Hello my name is Mike, been reading these forums for years. A lot of knowledgeable and helpful people in this community.

    I'm 36 been training mostly since I was 20 and was 225 pounds at 5'7' and just fat. I learned how to train and started taking things at 21 back when ephedrine was legal, etc. It was all bought from the gym so easy back then. I got to 190 and 12% body fat in my mid 20's. Then relationship, kids, etc. It changed. I kept taking things all along the way. Enanthate, Cypionate, Dbol a bit, Tren, and a few others, not at once just different variations.

    Jump now to I'm 36. The last 5 years, I've had blood tests and been going through places in FL, on my 5th company, and maybe 8th sales rep.

    My test in Nov was down to 236, My body at this point prob can't produce it on it's own. For the last several years I have taken Test Enanthate, Anavar 50mg a day, some Estrogen bloggers, and lot's and lot's of supplements.

    Now I get 200mg of Cypionate through my doctor per week. I just bought a 10 ML bottle of Enanthate and 5,000 of HCG. I just started with that. Cost of course plays roles in everything. I am taking 1ml on Sat, 1 ml on Sunday, and Enanthate on Monday 250mg. Will prob take the Cypionate through my doctor on Thursday.

    I know I need to get some Estrogen blockers. I have never really had an issue, but would rather prevent of course. I also want to get Anavar but again cost. $10 per 50mg pill. I really like 250mg of Enanthate a week, HCG, and Anavar. Works well for me.

    I will be honest I have never done a post program when I have come off. I know not smart. Basically have taken about 100-200mg of different Tests almost consistently. I need to donate blood as I know that is good.

    I am looking for suggestions, on what I should be doing now. I am 5'7', 190, lost 5% body fat over the last month, at 18% now. I like being strong. I don't have to be in the 10-12% body fat range. I am okay with that. I like the 185 range or so with 15% body fat.

    Thanks in advance on information you may be able to provide me on the right things to do moving forward. I have 3 kids, and lost my wife to Breast Cancer a couple years ago at age 31. I am feeling really good, and want to continue on with this process, just want to do it right, and I keep my doctor involved or at least letting him know what I am doing. I see him on Monday.

    Thanks again sorry for the long post, again thanks in advance. Happy Weekend

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    so your goal is to lose 5 lbs?

    ummm... eat less move more...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    It sounds like you have already started the cycle, if you want advice you should have waited to cycle until after getting it. You need an AI, there is just no two ways about it. You might have gotten away with it but that doesn't mean your estrogen wasn't high and needed tending to. You also have never done PCT, you stated you knew that was wrong and now on TRT I suppose it isn't very important anymore. I will say, for the sake of anyone reading this thread, that PCT should always be done with cycles like this otherwise someone could end up in your boat with TRT.

    Other than that can you be more specific with your cycle? How many weeks are you planning on running? What compounds are you using? Did you get the Anavar? Why no AI? Donating blood is not completely necessary unless you have high hematocrit levels in which case one pint of blood would lower them a few percent. If your blood work shows high hematocrit then I would donate/bloodlet, otherwise it isn't a necessity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    so your goal is to lose 5 lbs?

    ummm... eat less move more...
    And can you clarify your goals more too? Kronik is right, a test cycle is kind of pointless to just lose 5lbs.

  5. #5
    My goals are to continue to increase strength. I just finished 2 weeks of 3-5 reps for my workouts. Did chest and bi's today. I'm working on running a mile in the 7:30-8:00 minute range before workouts. Have been using a kettleball/trainer, has his own company, to work on core/ab strength.

    I would like to get 3-4% body fat off over the next 4 weeks. I lost 4% last month.

    Other than that just maintain and keep feeling good. So here is what I am taking, Can you please tell me what to add. I may take this for the next 4-6 months, probably dropping the cypionate at some point. I have always liked 250mg of Enanthate weekly, and 50mg of Anavar daily. I haven't bought the Anavar yet, will hopefully be doing that soon. Going through the farms in FL Pins, needles, Enanthate, Anavar, Estrogen blockers it's always in the 600-700 dollar range.

    So here is what I have now and am doing:

    I've been taking 200mg of Cypionate since January per week through my doctor
    Diaretic of 25mg per day through doctor over the last couple months.
    Just started last week HCG 1ml Sat, 1ml Sun from 5,000 bottle, then 250mg Enanthate Monday.
    Will probably take the cypionate on Thursday.

    Does this all seem good. I need to add Estrogen blockers. Anything else?? PCT will occur this time around and hopefully may be able to get some normal test levels again, maybe not. May be HRT forever which is what it is.

    I take multivitamin packs, fish oil, DIM which does support hormone levels and test levels. Lot of research on it, and seem to have had good success. Chromium Picolinate, Milk Thistle, Niacin. That's basically it.

    Good idea with two different Tests? Does that schedule sound and make sense? Any changes or eliminations?

    Thanks so much everyone

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Sorry if I miss something here, a lot to take in. So we've established your TRT is 200 of test cyp a week. If I am reading this right you are adding 250mg of Test E to your TRT dose which equates to roughly 450mg of test a week. Your HCG I cannot comment on because I do not know how you reconstituted it, how many ius are in 1ml?

    Since you already are on TRT the chances of recovering your HPTA to what is considered normal standalone function is slim, so don't get your hopes up there. But since you want to try, I can't blame you, I would suggest running the AI throughout the cycle, the HCG as well, and doing a normal PCT as if you weren't on TRT. However, if you run this cycle for six months that is only going to make it even harder for your endocrine system to recover so you have a decision to make there. I cannot tell you what to do, it depends on what you want.

    You said you were considering dropping the cypionate at one point, that would put you back down to nearly your TRT dose and what would be normal (ish) test levels. Why are you considering doing that? If you are blasting and cruising then it makes sense but you say you want to try one last ditch effort at recovering your HPTA. This means lowering your dose is keeping you at a low test range, which means you aren't going to see the results from a full test cycle, but it is still enough to suppress your HPTA, assuming there is any chance of it recovering at this point anyway.

    If I am misinterpreting anything here let me know.

  7. #7
    Thanks Ranger. Appreciate input. Yes I may never regain normal test levels without a little HRT. No excuses, my own fault.

    Some of the terms I don't understand. AI meaning Estrogen blockers right?

    Does the scheduling, days I put down and what I'm taking sound good? Adding Anavar if I can afford it.

    I have been on Cypionate since January. So how long is it suggested to run the Cyp, Enanthate, HCG, Estrogen blockers? From this point. Let's call this week one.

    Thank you again. I'll upload a picture from my phone from where I was a year ago in March. Then was out completely from surgeries, non related to gym or anything else. Pilonidal Cyst that got infected, etc.

    Appreciate the help.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Bro, what you need a is very very solid diet & a little bit of test

    Nothing else except for a solid workout schedule & routine

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    We do mean the same thing, AI is what I am referring to as an estrogen blocker. AI stands for aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase is also referred to as estrogen synthetase. The AI attaches to the aromatase and prevents it from binding with any receptors in your body, essentially rendering its primary function useless.

    I didn't really pay much attention to the days you mentioned until now. Monday and Thursday is good for the test injections. Why did you do two shots of HCG on back to back days? I would generally recommend 500iu a week of HCG split into two doses. Doing the HCG with your test is an easy option, you can even load them into the same syringe if you wanted. I do IM injections for my test and subcutaneous with my HCG but that is just my preference. If you are not sure how it is dosed then tell me how many milliliters of solution is in your 5000iu vial?

    And I just wanted to ask out of curiousity, why are you using test e with the cyp? I understand your cyp is from the doc so I get that, but why not just buy more cyp? It really isn't a big deal I suppose as they are both long esters though.

    Generally speaking most people run long ester test cycles for 10-12 weeks. Anything less and you might not see great results and anything longer and you are raising the chance of your hormones not returning to homeostasis. I will say that any amount of AAS you do now will decrease your chance of recovering without HRT even more. I have never heard of anyone recovering after being on TRT, although most do not try. But if I was really worried about it I would just do a PCT right now and give it a little bit to see what happens in the blood work.

    You didn't mention your PCT, I must stress that you should definitely do one if you do indeed want to give your endocrine system a shot at repairing itself. The usally PCT for a test cycle is the Nolva/Clomid combo at 40, 20, 20, 20/75, 50, 50, 50 with those numbers being the doses each day for that particular week out of the four weeks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    I just wanted to chime in and say im very sorry for your loss...kudos to you though for staying strong for yourself and the kids...I wish you success in your fitness goals and welcome to the forum...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd
    I just wanted to chime in and say im very sorry for your loss...kudos to you though for staying strong for yourself and the kids...I wish you success in your fitness goals and welcome to the forum...
    Agreed^^^^^^ Good for you for staying focused on your training while raising your children...... Toughest job in the world! It may be easier if you write down your cycle plans like a cycle format/plan that you read about for future reference. Good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Agreed^^^^^^ Good for you for staying focused on your training while raising your children...... Toughest job in the world! It may be easier if you write down your cycle plans like a cycle format/plan that you read about for future reference. Good luck.
    I feel bad for not saying anything now, thanks guys. I will say that without the gym I do not know how well I would've handled some of the tougher moments in my life, thank you dumbbells.

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