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Thread: T3 - for lazy people or for benefits?

  1. #1
    lachu543 is offline Junior Member
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    T3 - for lazy people or for benefits?

    Does anyone take T3 long time, year round? A lot of people use it in cut cycles. But what about bulking time? Do You see any benefits from 25-50mcg in this time? What about strength and muscles loss?

  2. #2
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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  3. #3
    lachu543 is offline Junior Member
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    Nice guide I red it and i think T3 can be use very safely for long time without sides, loss strength and muscle size...

  4. #4
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would always cycle it due to the fact that you don't want to shut down your thyroid. But if you are getting your blood work done and everything is A OK then go for it

  5. #5
    lachu543 is offline Junior Member
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    Did You notice any strength or muscles loss?

  6. #6
    ChubThunder is offline New Member
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    I'm curious about this too. I take levothyroxine for my thyroid and have been trying to get my Dr to prescibe me T3 by itself. I was wondering if my body would become dependent and stop producing T3 on it's own.

  7. #7
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Im not an expert but t4 is converted into t3. IMO many doctors think that due to the body automatically converts t4 to the t3 thyroid hormone simply by removing one iodine molecule from levothyroxine. I believe there are studies that show both using t-4 along is good enogh and taking t4 and t3 is good. So it depends on what your doctor believes.

    From what I have seen is that doctors are creatures of habit and will keep doing the same thing over and over for most all of their patients. So if your blood work comes back showing WNL of TSH they will not write anything or if its on the low side they will just write t-4 only. So unless your doctor knows a lot about it they will just write the levothyroxine and not write the t3 or a combo t4/t3 drug.

    T3 is the active thyroid hormone and will make you feel better and increase your metabolism. The sides of to much t3 are heart palpitations, an inability to gain weight (bad for bulking), anxiety, muscle weakness, and insomnia. Clen will have some of these same sides as well.

    T3 / clen cycle can eat lean muscle mass and fat. I run my TRT a little more often and increase my total mg while on t3 and clen. Some people like albuterol/ t3 combo as it acts the same way but less sides with albuterol. I know that albuterol is also a little anabolic as well.

    I hope this helps. Maybe someone else will jump in and answer better than I can.

  8. #8
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Most doctors don't prescribe t3 because tests will fluctuate so it can be hard to pinpoint the exact dosage to take care of the problem. For fat loss I personally like a t4 and hgh combo. They go with t4 because it gives then a wider range to cover some of the fluctuation.

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