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  1. #1
    razman is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2014

    Test E: Proper Dosing and Scheduling

    This is a two part question:

    1) How much test Enanthate a week would be appropriate for someone who is about 145 lbs? Many beginner's guides to AAS (including the sticky on this site) recommend 500 mg/wk but do not indicate what size a guy that dosing is typically good for. Would 250 mg/wk be too little to notice any gains?

    2) I've read many times over now that the half life of test E is about 10 - 12 days (10.5 days seems the most cited). If that is the case then why is it common practice to pin once even twice a week? If one were to want to maintain about 500 mg/wk in their blood stream wouldn't injecting every 7 days cause a steady increase in the amount of test E in their system week after week since more test is being injected before even half of the last injection has cleared out? I thought the whole idea is to maintain a steady state of AAS in the blood but injecting more frequently than the half-life of the AAS would intuitively seem to cause a net increase in time.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks.

  2. #2
    AsEpSiS's Avatar
    AsEpSiS is offline Associate Member
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    How old are you? How long have you been lifting weights? At 145lbs, I hope you're 4' 5".

    I don't think steroids are quite what you need just yet....seriously.

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    All depends on your age, stats, goals, and blood work. Can you list those? I get test C and I take on TRT 200 mg every 10 days as written by doctor. I take 100 mg every 5 days and take an AI as well. When I cycle this amount will increase depending on my goals.

  4. #4
    razman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    All depends on your age, stats, goals, and blood work. Can you list those? I get test C and I take on TRT 200 mg every 10 days as written by doctor. I take 100 mg every 5 days and take an AI as well. When I cycle this amount will increase depending on my goals.
    Age: 32
    Stats: Male, 5'8"
    Blood work: I had a testosterone panel done about a year ago and doctor said I was "normal" for my age. I vaguely remember him saying my free test level was 650 or something like that. Wish I could elaborate on that more but I dont have the print out in front of me.
    Goals: To gain about 5 lbs of muscle and a few pounds of fat in 3 months.

  5. #5
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by razman
    Age: 32 Stats: Male, 5'8" Blood work: I had a testosterone panel done about a year ago and doctor said I was "normal" for my age. I vaguely remember him saying my free test level was 650 or something like that. Wish I could elaborate on that more but I dont have the print out in front of me. Goals: To gain about 5 lbs of muscle and a few pounds of fat in 3 months.
    You can achieve that with diet especially at you weight.

  6. #6
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    Go to the diet section and read about a bulking diet and eat. If you want to be a big man, you have to eat like a big man. AAS will only help pack on weight but you have to consume the right foods to do that. You can still go a long way with proper training and proper eating.

  7. #7
    razman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Go to the diet section and read about a bulking diet and eat. If you want to be a big man, you have to eat like a big man. AAS will only help pack on weight but you have to consume the right foods to do that. You can still go a long way with proper training and proper eating.
    Alright, sounds good. I will lay off the roids (which is tough considering they're still packaged and staring me in the face) and look into gaining as much muscle as possible in three months based on a bulking diet and training alone. Thanks man.

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