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Thread: Test E cycle comments

  1. #1

    Question about my Test E cycle

    Hey all,

    I'm new to this forum and am looking for some guidance for my first 11 week cycle of Test E. I am 22, 6'0, 190, 15% bf. I plan to run my cycle as follows:

    Week 1 and 2:
    Test Prop-2mls on M/T (1ml per injection day at 250mg/ml)
    Test E-1ml total on M/T (.5 ml per injection day at 250mg/ml)
    *the addition of prop is to frontload but mostly because I have 4mls left to use)
    Weeks 3-11
    Test E- 2mls total on M/T (1ml per injection day at 250mg/ml)

    Weeks 1-11
    Forma stanzol as needed every day application

    14 days after last pin (I was advised this by my supplier on the basis that I wouldnt need much more because its only a Test cycle, but I will have letro on hand in case something arises)
    Clomid:60mg for one week every day, 40 mg for one week every day, 20 mg for three weeks every day (liquid form)

    If anyone is feeling really nice feel free to PM me to discuss my workout schedule (I have one made up but it is an excel file and I don't know how to upload to here)
    Last edited by Dave3376; 04-16-2014 at 04:17 PM.

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