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  1. #1
    acetrentura is offline New Member
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    What age can you start HGH?

    I'm only 19 and I'm waiting 'til I'm 22 to start my first cycle. But in the meantime I want to know what the general opinion is on when it is fine to start HGH. Does it have the same negative effects as AAS would or would it be fine to take it at my age? Also if it is fine for me to take it, do you need to take anything else with it, as in like PCT or AI's or things of that nature? My guess is no, but I'm asking you guys to be sure. My knowledge of AAS is basic, and my knowledge of HGH is pretty much nonexistent, this is my research, any info or articles would be greatly appreciated. One last question, does it really cause the gut? Or is that a myth? Something has to be making all those IFBB pros so big bellied.

  2. #2
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Here is one article that discusses just some of the side effects of HGH. More specifically to you discusses how it disrupts your endocrine system and reproductive system in fairly similar ways other AAS do. Before someone chimes in about the study, keep in mind that lab rats and mice share a shockingly large number of DNA nucleotide sequences with humans and that is especially true with common diseases, disorders, and bodily function.

    Neuroendocrine and reproductive consequences of overexpression of growth hormone in transgenic... - Abstract - Europe PubMed Central

  3. #3
    dk94's Avatar
    dk94 is offline Associate Member
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    Aside from the negative effects.. do you have $1000 + extra per month to spend on product, support supplements and food? Has your training so stubbornly plateaued at 19 and only hgh will help you break free and bring it to the next level?

  4. #4
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    When you can afford it. . . or a doctor and your insurance pays for it. But at 19 you will not get any taller. Spend your money on food and save the rest.

  5. #5
    FatherSaunders is offline New Member
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    Also HGH causes ALL of your tissues to grow. Not just this one or that one but all of them. This is the reason for a lot of the distended bellies out there along with long time use of insulin . Most people who have been on GH for extended periods of time have to have a surgery in their abdominal area to bring everything "back in to proportion" Then you are left with a big scar and not only that but the surgery is not always 100% successful.

    What GH is fantastic for and the only reason I would ever consider it (have not done it myself nor could I afford it. Its expensive as shit) is to promote faster recovery from major injuries and/or surgeries. GH has been proven to speed up recovery drastically. I would not use it at your age at all. I would not use AAS either. I know how tempting it is believe me. I was once your age too. Its pretty standard that most experienced users here on the forum are going to tell you to wait until you are at least 25 and are as close as possible to your natural genetic potential in regards to weight training.

  6. #6
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acetrentura View Post
    I'm only 19 and I'm waiting 'til I'm 22 to start my first cycle. But in the meantime I want to know what the general opinion is on when it is fine to start HGH. Does it have the same negative effects as AAS would or would it be fine to take it at my age? Also if it is fine for me to take it, do you need to take anything else with it, as in like PCT or AI's or things of that nature? My guess is no, but I'm asking you guys to be sure. My knowledge of AAS is basic, and my knowledge of HGH is pretty much nonexistent, this is my research, any info or articles would be greatly appreciated. One last question, does it really cause the gut? Or is that a myth? Something has to be making all those IFBB pros so big bellied.
    I don't know too many 19 year olds who make enough money that they can afford to be running hgh. But regardless, it's worth it to wait until you're 25. If you just work on your diet and your training until you reach then like the vets here preach, you'll end up with a better physique than if you don't listen to them.

  7. #7
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    I started at 40.

  8. #8
    Currupted is offline Banned
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    Yea wait until your 40 like the idiot above ... just a few years before your going to die ... then start lol ...

    dude **** these idiots ... they are full of shit ...

    if you want to start doing AAS then start ... no one gives a **** and your old enough to make decesions in your life ... these morons are not your family ...

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by acetrentura View Post
    I'm only 19 and I'm waiting 'til I'm 22 to start my first cycle. But in the meantime I want to know what the general opinion is on when it is fine to start HGH. Does it have the same negative effects as AAS would or would it be fine to take it at my age? Also if it is fine for me to take it, do you need to take anything else with it, as in like PCT or AI's or things of that nature? My guess is no, but I'm asking you guys to be sure. My knowledge of AAS is basic, and my knowledge of HGH is pretty much nonexistent, this is my research, any info or articles would be greatly appreciated. One last question, does it really cause the gut? Or is that a myth? Something has to be making all those IFBB pros so big bellied.
    Good question.

    For the purposes you intend (body sculpting, muscular development), the minimum age would be AFTER your skeleton has completely stopped growing, and all your bony growth plates have closed. This happens somewhere in the neighborhood of your mid twenties. Taking sooner runs the theoretical risk of some bones growing, and others not.

    Safe and intelligent use of HGH, right?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Currupted
    Yea wait until your 40 like the idiot above ... just a few years before your going to die ... then start lol ... dude **** these idiots ... they are full of shit ... if you want to start doing AAS then start ... no one gives a **** and your old enough to make decesions in your life ... these morons are not your family ...
    Hey idiot, they are talking about HGH not AAS. Before you start insulting people on this forum at least read the thread first.

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