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Thread: Tren/Test/Anavar Cycle coming up and have a few questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Wink Tren/Test/Anavar Cycle coming up and have a few questions

    So I haven't cycled in a few years and have gained some extra weight that I have been working to lose(6'0 220lbs). I have been on a caloric deficit for about 3 weeks now and it is helping. I have coupled this with being in the gym 4 days a week. I have also just started a supplement regiment of Chromium(800mcgED), multivitamin ED, fish oil(1.8g ED), and ECGC(800mcg ED). I cannot testify to the results right now as I stated before I just started this regiment.

    I watch what I eat, I have been keeping the carbs low, protein moderately high, and fat relatively low. I have cut out the sugar as much as possible. I still have the occasional mountain dew!! I am not sure of BF percentages and am not 100% sure how to accurately estimate them. Is that even a real thing?? An accurate estimate?? Seems convoluted.....Anyways!

    I dont plan to cycle just yet unless I lose a bit more weight but have the gear on standby in the safe. I plan on a Test E, Tren E, and Anavar stack for 12 weeks. I dont want to increase the dosages I plan on using over the 12 weeks unless I need I need to??
    Weeks 1-12 will consist of:
    250mg Test E 2x/week
    100mg Tren E 2x/week
    75mg Anavar ED
    Liquid Stane 30mg EOD

    PCT will be 4 weeks of Raloxifene and Stane ED.
    25mg Stane ED
    25mg Ralo ED

    So this stack would put me at 500mg Test E/wk, 200mg Tren E/wk, 525mg Anavar/wk, and 90mg Stane/wk.
    Couple this with the chromium, ECGC, fish oil, multivitamin, 4-5 gym days/wk and a caloric deficit and it should be a fat burning machine right???

    Anybody see any problems with this plan?? I am sure I F'd up something so feel free to give advise as long as its not BS.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by tango02
    So I haven't cycled in a few years and have gained some extra weight that I have been working to lose(6'0 220lbs). I have been on a caloric deficit for about 3 weeks now and it is helping. I have coupled this with being in the gym 4 days a week. I have also just started a supplement regiment of Chromium(800mcgED), multivitamin ED, fish oil(1.8g ED), and ECGC(800mcg ED). I cannot testify to the results right now as I stated before I just started this regiment. I watch what I eat, I have been keeping the carbs low, protein moderately high, and fat relatively low. I have cut out the sugar as much as possible. I still have the occasional mountain dew!! I am not sure of BF percentages and am not 100% sure how to accurately estimate them. Is that even a real thing?? An accurate estimate?? Seems convoluted.....Anyways! I dont plan to cycle just yet unless I lose a bit more weight but have the gear on standby in the safe. I plan on a Test E, Tren E, and Anavar stack for 12 weeks. I dont want to increase the dosages I plan on using over the 12 weeks unless I need I need to?? Weeks 1-12 will consist of: 250mg Test E 2x/week 100mg Tren E 2x/week 75mg Anavar ED Liquid Stane 30mg EOD PCT will be 4 weeks of Raloxifene and Stane ED. 25mg Stane ED 25mg Ralo ED So this stack would put me at 500mg Test E/wk, 200mg Tren E/wk, 525mg Anavar/wk, and 90mg Stane/wk. Couple this with the chromium, ECGC, fish oil, multivitamin, 4-5 gym days/wk and a caloric deficit and it should be a fat burning machine right??? Anybody see any problems with this plan?? I am sure I F'd up something so feel free to give advise as long as its not BS.
    If it's been a few years, why not hold off in the tren and run test only or test with var the last 6 weeks (no need for 12 weeks of var as it will affect LFTs and BP).

    Stane has a shorter half life than adex and it's typically dosed 12.5mg up to 25mg MAX, daily.

    No HCG during your cycle? Why?

    PCT is usually tamoxifen and clomid. Raloxifene is fine but no need for stane during PCT.

    Doing any cardio? That will melt your fat away if you're dropping calories below your TDEE right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    I would lower the Anavar to 40-50 mgs ed with the tren or as MuscleInk said drop the the Tren altogether. If you haven't cycled in a while you should do pretty well on just test and Var. I would even lower test during the end while running the var.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Thanks for the reply MuscleInk.

    The HCG was missed on my part it will be ran the entire cycle at 500iu per week. I should also run it during PCT correct? It sounds like I need to dose the Stane at 12.5 mg ED instead of 30mg EOD?

    I did consider running just the test and var together for this cycle since it has been a while. I guess I talked myself out of it because of the great results I got from it last time. The Tren makes me strong as an ox and I love it haha. I seem to respond well to it. No vanity in there at all!

    What about the test, tren dosages? Do those dosages per week look sufficient? Should they be bumped up after say week 6?

    Yes on the cardio, I run a mile on the tread mill everyday. I would run more but I ****ing hate it...flat feet kills my knees. I have been doing a circuit workout lately which helps some with the cardio also.

    Any thoughts on the supplements? Thanks again for the reply.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2012
    Can I substitute the Tamox and Clomid for just the Ralo?? Or do I need something to go along with it like nolvadex?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by tango02
    Thanks for the reply MuscleInk. The HCG was missed on my part it will be ran the entire cycle at 500iu per week. I should also run it during PCT correct? It sounds like I need to dose the Stane at 12.5 mg ED instead of 30mg EOD? I did consider running just the test and var together for this cycle since it has been a while. I guess I talked myself out of it because of the great results I got from it last time. The Tren makes me strong as an ox and I love it haha. I seem to respond well to it. No vanity in there at all! What about the test, tren dosages? Do those dosages per week look sufficient? Should they be bumped up after say week 6? Yes on the cardio, I run a mile on the tread mill everyday. I would run more but I ****ing hate it...flat feet kills my knees. I have been doing a circuit workout lately which helps some with the cardio also. Any thoughts on the supplements? Thanks again for the reply.
    Stop HCG with last injection of gear, but you can run the AI up to the start of your PCT.

    Dose stane @ 12.5mg ED. Maximum I'd recommend is 25mg/d. Doses above 25mg daily can cause dyspepsia and diarrhea.

    I would save the tren for the next cycle. It's been a while so give your body time to adjust again. Some run test higher than tren. Others run tren higher than test. I've always done the former but this summer will try the latter. If you do run tren, get a dopamine agonist such as pramipexole or cabergoline.

    ECGC and chromium are good supps for weight management. Fish oil will help minimize inflammatory responses and keep triglycerides in healthy ranges but krill oil is far superior at managing lipids, has greater concentrations of EPA and DHA and has a much better bioavailability.

    Cardio is a four letter foul word in my vocabulary.....but I do it begrudgingly.

  7. #7
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    May 2005
    I think you will find two different camps on this subject. I personally run test at a maintenance dose when I use Tren. Usually 100-125 a week depending on the brand and the ester. Let the tren do the work. My main reason for running it this way is to minimize the side effects.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2012
    same here on the cardio! Pain in my ass! I think I will run the Tren...its just too tempting to let it sit in the safe. Especially after seeing and feeling the results from before. After reading about the Pramipexole I am not sure what benefits it supplies. I am not saying there aren't any I am just unsure what they you care to elaborate?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In View Post
    I think you will find two different camps on this subject. I personally run test at a maintenance dose when I use Tren. Usually 100-125 a week depending on the brand and the ester. Let the tren do the work. My main reason for running it this way is to minimize the side effects.
    This makes sense in my mind. The sides from the Test are going to be much more than the sides of the least in my past experience. Would I not benefit tho from the surplus of Test E? If the sides were manageable?

  10. #10
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by tango02 View Post
    This makes sense in my mind. The sides from the Test are going to be much more than the sides of the least in my past experience. Would I not benefit tho from the surplus of Test E? If the sides were manageable?
    Sure, you will get some benefit from a larger dose of test. It's just that in my experience the benefits do not out way the increase in side effects from the added test. Just my personal experience. I know guys that run it with high test and swear by it. I just don't find it necessary.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2012
    So I got part of my order in today. And I was expecting Tren E and Test E. Well what I got was Test C and Tren A. Same MG/ML as stated before so the dosage per ML are the same but the half lifes are different.
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    I had planned on pinning twice per week. 1ml of Tren and 1ml of Test E3D. What would you guys recommend I do now since I have a short ester blend? EOD? ED? I would really rather not have to pin EVERY day. That is why I wanted the Tren E and Test E. I mean its not the end of the world I can cope with it...just wanted to ask anyway.


  12. #12
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    May 2005
    The Test C pin once a week. The Tren A you will get two different answers. Some pin ED some pin EOD. As a personal preference I pin ED because I believe it keeps the blood levels more constant and reduces sides.

    That being said, many people on here pin it EOD and don't seem to have any problems.

  13. #13
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    May 2005
    I've been thinking about this and I think you need to start a new thread addressing the new compounds. I curious what some of the more experienced people will say. My concern would be the difference in esters. The Tren A will start to work in a short time while the Test C will take awhile. I don't know if you will have enough test in your system at the start of the cycle.

    Let me be clear, I don't know for a fact that you will have a problem. I'm curious and I think you should get some more informed opinions.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Start the test earlier
    Then two weeks later the tren

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by VegasBody View Post
    Start the test earlier
    Then two weeks later the tren
    Ok if I start the test 2 weeks ahead of the tren, obviously I will run out of test before I run out of tren. So my next question is how do I cycle off? do I just run the tren, AI, HCG, and var without the test for 2 weeks?? It would make sense to me NOT to do this...but could I? What if I started the test just a week before instead of 2? Just trying to figure out my best options...

  16. #16
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    Feb 2012
    Fat burning= caloric deficit, u can cut off of low test like a trt dose 200mg/week to maintain muscle and burn fat as long as your diet is in order staying in a caloric deficit throughout the week
    Why not drink diet pop man, I drink 2l a day and doesnt hinder my progress what so ever, cut the reg pop out and switch to diet
    Alot of people say pop is bad for u lol, if diet pop makes u binge for shitty food, dont drink it
    If diet pop cuts the cravings out, drink it man
    I think its personally to much gear for a cut, u can save a lot of coin running test low to preserve muscle and relying on your diet and training to do the magic
    I myself do limited tono cardio, and shedding 1% bf per week rougly, likei said all comes down to your diet bro

  17. #17
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    Shit for example run 100g carb per day throughout the week keeping your protein rougly 300g, fats at 60 to 50g and watch the fat melt away bro, look into "hit" proggy by dorian yates " blood and guts", if u are not a cardio guy like myself this routine is awesome to preserve much while keeping high intensity rraining while on a cut
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-28-2014 at 10:05 AM.

  18. #18
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    After my bulk I started out 21 to 23% bf, 10 weeks later I am sitting at 13 to 14% on my cruise dose, limited to no cardio, strength is great ect
    Carbs are set for pre, post w/o thats it, 1 refeed day (sunday), up to 400g carbs, then back to my normal dieting, once u stall look into cyclig your carbs, doing that this week on my 11th week and still shedding 2lbs a week on 200mg test my cruise dose nothing else
    Cycling my carbs this week like this

    0 (carb depleted)
    Carb load
    What u want to do is turn your body into a fat burning furnace bro
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-28-2014 at 10:42 AM.

  19. #19
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    The main thing is keepit simple man, relie on your diet to do the work for u, try to lift as heavy as possible on working sets and keeping strengthup during a cut is key, u csnt spot reduce fat, but u can keepyour strength up relying on your diet to shed the fat
    Why I like the hit proggy by dorian yates you tube it
    Pretty much 1 to 2 warmup sets, 1 working set to failure
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-28-2014 at 10:34 AM.

  20. #20
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt007 View Post
    After my bulk I started out 21 to 23% bf, 10 weeks later I am sitting at 13 to 14% on my cruise dose, limited to no cardio, strength is great ect
    Carbs are set for pre, post w/o thats it, 1 refeed day (sunday), up to 400g carbs, then back to my normal dieting, once u stall look into cyclig your carbs, doing that this week on my 11th week and still shedding 2lbs a week on 200mg test my cruise dose nothing else
    Cycling my carbs this week like this
    Carb load
    What u want to do is turn your body into a fat burning furnace bro
    I would say im in that BF % range right now. I have never carb cycled before so I get what your saying and it certainly sounds like it would work I just dont have any personal experience with it. So if I understand this correctly I will need to carb cycle during my cycle or before or both?

    I looked into the "Blood and Guts" workout and it looks ok but think I would have trouble with a low volume workout since I workout mainly by myself. I have been going low weight high reps with breaks in between each set of about 60 secs or so. I have not seen any loss in muscle but it has been burning off the fat.

    I completed a 300 workout in 31 mins on Friday(Cardio before hand). That works out to 9.7 reps per minute. Which does not sounds like a lot but its more than tiresome I assure you!! and I have completed this workout in 22 mins before but I was in much better shape then than now. I will get back there again soon, I like the idea of a high intensity suits my personality I suppose and I can do it alone or with a buddy.

    I have calculated my TDEE at 2842. I have been eating around 2k calories per day. My BMR is around 2033 calories per day. What would a suggested macro's break down look like at 2k calories per day?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Exact same cal intake
    My meal plan I came up with
    50g carb pre/post wo
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  22. #22
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    For meal 4 I always subsitute things as long as it fit my macros
    So instead of 2 scoops iso protein I use 2 cans of tuna, same with meal 1, 16 egg whites equal the same macro's or 8 whites and a scoop of iso protein ect
    Now for carb cycling I just start to deplete my carbs set at meal 3 and 4, then 150g day add in 3/4 cup of oats in meal 1, simple bro

  23. #23
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    For meal 4 I always subsitute things as long as it fit my macros
    So instead of 2 scoops iso protein I use 2 cans of tuna, same with meal 1, 16 egg whites equal the same macro's or 8 whites and a scoop of iso protein ect
    Now for carb cycling I just start to deplete my carbs set at meal 3 and 4, then 150g day add in 3/4 cup of oats in meal 1, simple bro, oh I dont mess around with adding fats in for loss carbs, I keep my fats and protein the same, exception of when I am fully carb depleted I will add in nuts like cashews to fill in my fats to 50g for the day
    I can eat the same stuff ed, not pickie, but the results are there man
    Now for my carb load day lol, I eat about everything I crave during the week to set the mind up for the upcomin week, pizza, fries, jelly beans, cake ect, usually 400 to 500g that day I will suck back, its all water and the bloat will be gone in a few days, usually by wed I equal out on the sxale from my weigh in on sunday befoee refeed and ill start to loose from there, everyone is dif, they all have dif approaches butit works for me and I dont wanna touch that shit for another week lol
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-28-2014 at 02:17 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt007 View Post
    Exact same cal intake
    My meal plan I came up with
    50g carb pre/post wo
    You're ****ing awesome man! This is super helpful man! Do you precook every thing for the week or do you just cook as you go? How are you incorporating the protein power with the food or are they eaten separately? I started another thread in the nutrition section about my macro split after we started talking about this.

    And you are right the results are there man. nice job on that btw. I understand you are thinking of competing in a few years and you certainly look like you are on the right path bro. The advice is much appreciated. My knowledge of nutrition is limited. I am comfortable with my cycles and dosing as I understand all of that fully but when it comes to breaking down my meals I lack the knowledge required to do it accurately. Just the learning curve kicking in I suppose. Thanks for helping with that.

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