So I haven't cycled in a few years and have gained some extra weight that I have been working to lose(6'0 220lbs). I have been on a caloric deficit for about 3 weeks now and it is helping. I have coupled this with being in the gym 4 days a week. I have also just started a supplement regiment of Chromium(800mcgED), multivitamin ED, fish oil(1.8g ED), and ECGC(800mcg ED). I cannot testify to the results right now as I stated before I just started this regiment. I watch what I eat, I have been keeping the carbs low, protein moderately high, and fat relatively low. I have cut out the sugar as much as possible. I still have the occasional mountain dew!! I am not sure of BF percentages and am not 100% sure how to accurately estimate them. Is that even a real thing?? An accurate estimate?? Seems convoluted.....Anyways!

I dont plan to cycle just yet unless I lose a bit more weight but have the gear on standby in the safe. I plan on a Test E, Tren E, and Anavar stack for 12 weeks. I dont want to increase the dosages I plan on using over the 12 weeks unless I need I need to?? Weeks 1-12 will consist of: 250mg Test E 2x/week 100mg Tren E 2x/week 75mg Anavar ED Liquid Stane 30mg EOD PCT will be 4 weeks of Raloxifene and Stane ED. 25mg Stane ED 25mg Ralo ED So this stack would put me at 500mg Test E/wk, 200mg Tren E/wk, 525mg Anavar/wk, and 90mg Stane/wk. Couple this with the chromium, ECGC, fish oil, multivitamin, 4-5 gym days/wk and a caloric deficit and it should be a fat burning machine right??? Anybody see any problems with this plan??

I am sure I F'd up something so feel free to give advise as long as its not BS.