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Thread: Looking to start my first cycle in the next couple weeks

  1. #1

    Looking to start my first cycle in the next couple weeks

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm looking to start my first cycle within the next couple weeks. I've got Tren-E 200mg and Test Enth 400mg.
    I'm 6'3" 240lbs now, 15% bf.
    My diet is pretty good, I haven't actually calculated the amount of calories or carbs I've been taking in, but I'm taking in right around 275 grams of protein a day right now.

    I'm posting here because 1, id like to get some info on making sure my diet is on, and 2 I have never used gear before.
    The only thing I've ever used was clen a few years ago and had amazing results on it.

    With this being my first cycle I have a few questions which my general research has not answered for me, or I get tons of mixed answers.

    My goal is to put on some lean mass and not look puffy, bloated or just water weight. If at the end of my cycle I weigh a few pounds more, but look lean and hard, I will be a happy man.

    So with the 2 that I'm going to attempt to take, what would be a good amount to run?
    Also would HCG be something I should look into? And what benefit would it have?

    Any info is greatly appreciated and if I sound a little stupid, please don't make fun, I'm a newbie and just looking for some advice.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I would not try tren as a first cycle, first cycle should be test only. Check out austinite's thread on first cycles. Make sure you use an AI, hcg and have a proper pct set up.

  3. #3
    Would test Enth in itself be a decent first cycle? Also the HCG, is that used during or post cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeyp0912
    Would test Enth in itself be a decent first cycle? Also the HCG, is that used during or post cycle?
    Test only really should be the first cycle and hcg is better run during your cycle and discontinued right before pct

  5. #5
    Thanks for the advice guys I appreciate it. Is once a week good enough?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeyp0912
    Thanks for the advice guys I appreciate it. Is once a week good enough?
    Depends on the ester but most the time a long ester is pined every3.5 days

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    1x a week is OK for TRT/HRT but even then 2x a week keeps the hormone more level.
    I agree with the HCG comments from Jim230027, during cycle.

    Read the sticky at the top on beginner cycle so you can figure out PCT.
    Again, test only.

    I like car analogies. Imagine being 16 and learning to drive a car. Would it be better to learn to drive in a Honda, Toyota etc or jump right into a Ferrari? More than likely you will get into more trouble or crash in the Ferrari, right? Start simple and work your way up.

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