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  1. #1
    Jack Rozen is offline New Member
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    So much conflicting advice ... First Cycle

    I'm sure this topic has been done to death, but here's my problem.. Every article I read seems to contradict the other one in some way shape or form.

    I work out 4 days a week, naturally. Never done juice, but wanted to try a cycle. I read this excellent article written by Austintine which made a lot of sense to me, but is contradictory to other things I've read, and what my friends here say (who are compulsive juicers).

    Here is what I was told to take for my first cycle based on the results I want:

    1. Test e
    2. Dbol
    3. Deca

    I asked many guys I know about PCT and some do it, some don't.. I for one would not even consider NOT doing it.

    Here are my questions, and bare in mind I'm still learning here so go easy on me.

    1. Is this cycle "safe" for a first time user?
    2. I'd like to make sure I'm controlling my cholesterol while on the cycle, any advice on that would be really awesome.. Last thing I want is my cholesterol going through the roof!
    3. As far as PCT is concerned, when do you actually start it? (based on the above cycle)
    4. Any other words of wisdom, or supplements you think I should be taking before/during/after ANY cycle would also be greatly appreciated.

    I want to make sure, or try my best, to keep my system as 'normal' as possible, and as protected as possible from any possible side affects, and/or adverse affects as possible.

    Thanks very much for your time, and I appreciate any and all advice you guys have to give!

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    First cycle test only

    what are your stats?

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What has changed in the last 4 years since you have been here besides you are no 34?

    Fixed your diet?
    Get in the gym more than a month or two before falling off the wagon?
    Still have not started smoking again?

  4. #4
    DontTaseMeBro is offline Member
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    No. This is not a good first cycle. Take a look at the stickies at the top of the q&a section for answers to all your questions. good luck.

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    How about posting up your stats and have you read the beginner cycle sticky's?

  6. #6
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  7. #7
    Jack Rozen is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    What has changed in the last 4 years since you have been here besides you are no 34?

    Fixed your diet?
    Get in the gym more than a month or two before falling off the wagon?
    Still have not started smoking again?
    Diet is dialed in, has been for last 18 months, and I've been training 4 times a week for the past 2 years now. Stats are as follows.

    178 Lbs
    12% body fat

  8. #8
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1. Stick with just Test only and slowly add compounds into each consecutive cycle as needed, not as desired. More than one new compound in a cycle will just end up complicating things and causing hormone problems.

    2. To control cholesterol I would start by cycling at a low BF%, if your stats are accurate then you are good to go. Also, eat a healthy diet and that should mitigate cholesterol as well as long as you are not genetically predisposed to high cholesterol.

    3. Assuming you taking our advice and do a Test E only cycle I would start 14 days after your last shot.

    4. As far as words of wisdom I would recommend taking gym advice with a grain of salt until you get home and research it yourself. I will not tell you anything unless I can prove it with peer-reviewed evidence and most others on here will do the same.

    As far as other advice I would recommend reading a little more about the different compounds and beginner cycles. Many good stickies on here that can educate you fairly fast as the data is compiled fairly efficiently. Lov obviously knows more about you than I do from previous posts so I would make sure you have fixed the issues he is addressing with you personally. I would also make sure you have done all you can do naturally and use AAS as a last resort. If I could go back in time I would've been more patient and relied on diet and training. A year or two might feel like a long time to be in the gym but it isn't.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    All I can say is its hard too beat Austine for advice.The guy knows his stuff and is always spot on.

  10. #10
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't listen to "friends" we have all made that mistake in the beginning.

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