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Thread: TRT Boost, With weight loss and diet help?

  1. #1

    TRT Boost, With weight loss and diet help?

    Hey guys,

    Long story short from 420lbs down to 290.. Been on TRT for 14 months now been on IM Injections for 9 months have been on a medically supervised diet of 1500 Calories which clearly as of lately being that i want to do more than just lose weight i want to be active, i want to get fit and live life to the max.

    So on TRT 200mg/ml my levels have been hovering around 300.. better than a year ago but not where they should, the specialist said lose more weight the T will raise more but we are remaining where we are on the dose for now.

    So between my still low T.. the clearly really low calorie diet I am losing weight but pretty moody, no energy and such and being we are coming into summer i want my life back!

    SO i have plenty of Extra test just from the last year of dose changes and such, I am out riding my MTB 3 times a week typically around 7-10km each ride and hitting the gym 3-4 times a week have reduced my Cardio at the gym now that the weather is nice and im riding again so looking to hit the gym and work on building.. clearly thinking building the mass will burn the fat..

    So my questions to everyone is..

    I have started to "Boost" i think its called taking 400Mg weekly doing 2 x 200mg/ml mondays and friday.. started it 22 days ago now, my breast got really sore the last few days my doc is on holidays for two weeks so a Friend who is into it all gave me some "Tamox" to relieve which it did pretty much the same day.. with advice of others here i have some Aromidex coming tomorrow so i will start on that.. I am hope this will help get my T up and get me some energy on top of that i started B12 yesterday.

    My diet, i have emailed the dietitian trying to get that changed or increased, my local suppliments guy gave me some sample of "Vitagro S2" suggesting to keep to my diet as i am told but to use this about 45 mins before i go for a ride or to the gym that it will help give me that extra fuel/energy to get through a decent work out.

    Can anyone who may have been in my shoes or is in my shoes now help me out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the current bf u are u are more prone to side effects like gyno and such
    Why one reason your t is sitting where its at at 200mg/week, converts into estrogen which now is worse at 400mg/week , then running 200mg/week your prescribed dose, what are u running your ai at?

  3. #3
    Hi Matt,

    Sorry too new and ignorant to everything regarding this.. What do you mean AI? up untill a month ago i was just taking the dose prescribed over the last 18 months its been constantly changed started with androgel, went to transdermal patches to oral medications to the injections. and thats all thats been prescribed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    No ai? Ai stands for aromatise inhibitor
    U badly need to run an ai bro exspecially now since u increased your prescribed dose
    Right now u are doing more harm then good, your e2 levels are probably high guarnteed causing u those lumps (gyno) or sore breast, wasnt trying to br ignorant just stating u should of been prescribed some sort of ai along with your prescribed test
    Last edited by Matt007; 04-21-2014 at 07:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Yes there was not on perscribed, and recently i did have some itchy breast and a close friend suggested it was needed.. honesty my fear is to go to my doc and say well over the last year i have a stock pile of test because of changes in scripts and such.. so my buddy is giving me a months supply of Aroidex.. i assume that is the inhibitor? Origintally he gave me three tablets of Tamox.. and the itchyness went away like next day.. so he said i need the Aroidex.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Arimidex yes

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