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Thread: Big post cycle problems please help!

  1. #1

    Big post cycle problems please help!

    Ok here is my story. I am 20 and diabetic and i have been lifting since i was 13 and my physique was really good for a natural body no one believed that i was natural. Now i took that extra step and did a cycle of test e and dianabol . Dianabol made me feel like a destructive beast and my strength has increased so much. Now here starts the problems.... In the middle of the cycle when injecting the test e it felt as if its water!! the needle absorb it very quickly and when i inject it it injects extremely quickly, before it used to take ages, so i am not sure if it routined or what happened. And i started knowing that test has stopped working coz i am diabetic and when i do a blood test its normally high when i was at the first few weeks of the cycle but now it is back to normal. Anyway, i kept injecting it not sure if it is even still working or not but i thought i have to finish the cycle. now i planned pct 3 weeks after the cycle but because of what happened with the test e i started it 2 weeks after. My pct is Nolva and Clomid and i already took HCG during the cycle.
    NOW the real suffering starts!!! I started my pct 4 days ago and since day 2 I have endless side effects and i cant live like that even for another week its impossible!!.. I am feeling really weak, i have nausea (feeling to vomit but there is nothing hapening), extremely tired all the time, bigger appetite, no desire for sex (Normally u can call me a man whore), heart beats is fast, cant concentrate at all, lazy to even talk, cant even lift (Went gym today took the dumbels did one set of bench press and thats it), lifting Strength has lowered! and sometimes cant feel my arms and legs (I feel they are numb)!!

    Now i havent seen anyone with these side effects and this is my first cycle and the pct dosage till now is 100mg clomid and 40mg nolva. What can i do about these side effects? are they because of pct or low test? or diabetes or what?? I really cannot survive this shit it unbearable. Any help would be appreciated thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Did you run an aromatase inhibitor during your cycle??? Which one and how much?

  3. #3
    I ran only hcg 1500iu

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by kkeshta
    I ran only hcg 1500iu
    Well, that's wasn't anywhere near enough HCG.

    No aromatase inhibitor means your estrogen is likely high. Symptoms of elevated estrogen are fatigue, somnolence, loss of muscle tone, acne, myalgia, arthralgia, loss of strength, erectile dysfunction, low libido.

    Elevated serum estrogen increases risks of cardiac disease (stroke, heart attack), arterial disease, prostate disease, TYPE II DIABETES.

    Given your current medical history, this cycle was poorly put together and not in the interest of your health or your diabetes. I recommend a full blood panel (CBC, CMP, full hormone assay with E2 sensitive markers).

  5. #5
    Op did you start feeling sick during cycle or after during pct? It sounded like after. One thing you might want to try is drop your clomid dose. Ive read of people not doing well on that high of a dose. Also i agree with muscleink bloodwork is a must.

  6. #6
    Sorry i meant 5000iu hcg not 1500, Do i need to carry on with the pct or reduce it ? So what i have now is not coz of the pct its because the high estrogen that i have

  7. #7
    During the cycle i was solid, just 2 days after starting the pct all this started to happen

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Just like MuscleInc said could be high estrogen level or could it be sides of clomid or nolva??
    Since its started after??
    1 dr visit 2 blood check its still gonna take 5-6 days before u get it back and know whats up

  9. #9
    I can't beleive I ****ed myself up for that. Although I did have some gains eg traps and calves started growing bit all I gained is 5 kg... And I forgot to mention my balls has shrunk too

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by kkeshta View Post
    I can't beleive I ****ed myself up for that. Although I did have some gains eg traps and calves started growing bit all I gained is 5 kg... And I forgot to mention my balls has shrunk too
    I want everyone to take note of why so many people on here beat the dead horse that is the young and steroids.

    If you didn't use an AI then just like the others have said, your estrogen is higher. If your testicles were shrinking then you didn't take enough HCG. If you post your bloodwork on here we can test our hypothesis.

  11. #11
    Ok thanks once i get my blood tests I will post it here. If anyone lives in the UK, is it safe to say such thing to the gp o should i find a private blood test

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Well, that's wasn't anywhere near enough HCG.

    No aromatase inhibitor means your estrogen is likely high. Symptoms of elevated estrogen are fatigue, somnolence, loss of muscle tone, acne, myalgia, arthralgia, loss of strength, erectile dysfunction, low libido.

    Elevated serum estrogen increases risks of cardiac disease (stroke, heart attack), arterial disease, prostate disease, TYPE II DIABETES.

    Given your current medical history, this cycle was poorly put together and not in the interest of your health or your diabetes. I recommend a full blood panel (CBC, CMP, full hormone assay with E2 sensitive markers).
    Ok muscleinc I think the side effects are hitting my memory!! I am sorry but I did take arimidex at 0.5mg eod because I bought it from rxcart and ppl said it's under doses otherwise I would have done 0.25mg

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by kkeshta
    Ok muscleinc I think the side effects are hitting my memory!! I am sorry but I did take arimidex at 0.5mg eod because I bought it from rxcart and ppl said it's under doses otherwise I would have done 0.25mg
    Schedule some blood work. If you're comfortable posting the results here, we will provide an opinion.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kkeshta View Post
    Ok thanks once i get my blood tests I will post it here. If anyone lives in the UK, is it safe to say such thing to the gp o should i find a private blood test
    Try your local needle exchange. Some of them will do hormone testing for steroid users. Manchester and Nottingham both have exchanges with this facility.

  15. #15
    Thanks everyone I will get the blood tests asap and post it

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