05-11-2014, 09:41 AM #41
No advice to offer, However...I will be following this thread closely.
Been researching heavily for my first cycle and Cyp is where I think I am heading, very similar to yours. I am also not a bodybuilder and into the same brand of Fitness that you are. Trying to be more competitive at local level competitions and do better in the Open next year.
Good luck, and thanks for posting.
05-11-2014, 12:05 PM #42
My F-ing left glute that I injected last Tuesday is still super sore and I still can't sit down or lay on my back without pain. This sucks!
05-15-2014, 02:09 PM #43
So my training has gone to shit since I started my cycle due to all the soreness after my injections that last days. I am wondering if I should drop the amount to 300MG a week to see if that helps. I am not BB so I don't care about size as much as I do strength and endurance. I was really thinking of calling it quits this past week due to the soreness and the lack of things I was able to do in the gym because of it, this mainly affects my squats which is a huge part of my program and something I really want to improve at. Opinions are greatly appreciated.
05-15-2014, 02:31 PM #44
I cant imagine being that sore form a injection unless your gear is contaminated in some way.
I have injected into nerves before which hurt like crazy at the time but only a little discomfort afterwards for a day.
It sucks to say but I would definitely stop the UGL gear if it is causing you this much grief.
what is the point if you cannot even make it to the gym..Right??
05-15-2014, 04:05 PM #45
I couldn't beat the PIP from My Test E in the quads or glutes. Someone opted I try delts and it was a world of difference. PIP only lasted a day and was 2 on a level from 1-10. But think before trying. Because if it is the gear, your arm will be out of commission for a while due to the pain. Always up to the user, but it's just my opinion.
05-15-2014, 04:33 PM #46
It has to be the gear, because my test C which is pharmaceutical doesn't hurt at all. I have 2 weeks of that left. Should I just run that will I am out or quit all together? That 2 weeks will put me 6 weeks. I really wanted to finish since I spent so much money already. Also if I did stop what's my PCT at look like?
05-16-2014, 11:00 AM #47
Have you tried having someone else inject you? I get my ex-girlfriend to inject in my glutes. I still get PIP but nothing like when I do it myself.
What is the pain out of 10? My pain is around 6-7, although hit a nerve in my quad on Monday and Friday now and JUST starting to be able to bend my knee, brutal pain.
Try heating your gear bro!??? I have yet to do that but hear it helps out a lot.
05-16-2014, 01:55 PM #48
So I had my wife inject my glute very smooth, she went to nursing school but the following 6 days the pain was bad I could barely sit it was swollen but not red and it sucked. The pain was a 7 and sleeping was the worst by far. I sat on a heating pad for about and hour everyday after work, I could barely workout so that week I missed the week in the gym, this week I injected my quad not so bad at first but day 3 till now I cant squat because its so tight and hurts so much. No swelling in the quad at all just tight and sore as hell, I tried to squat yesterday but with any heavy load my leg buckles from the soreness. All this is only on the Test E I got, I dont feel any pain or soreness from Test Cyp, so it has got to be the Test E, it is UGL but the source is legit. I just hope all the money I wasted was on shit gear and I get something out of it. I dont feel any different no sides or anything yet and I am on week 4.
05-31-2014, 08:32 PM #49
quick question, my nolva is 25 mg per pill, so could I just run PCT at Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 50/25/25/25 starting 2 weeks after last injection. So I am sure I know the answer to my next question but I really want to make sure since I am now half way through my cycle and want a solid PCT, but Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 50/25/25/25 means everyday for that week I take 75 mg Clomid and 50 mg Nolva for 7 days. Then the next 7 days I take 50 mg clomid and 25 mg nolva and etc.. till all 4 weeks of pct are complete. I know its a very basic question I should know and I am sure I do, but I really want to make sure I am doing this right.
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