So a couple week ago I started to self medicate for low test. 240ng/dl total test.
My family Dr said he wasn't concerned with it.
For a very active 31yr old guy it seems extremely low.
Since I had some Test E 300
I figured I'd treat myself since I have everything needed.
So on to the problems.
My first injection went smooth. My wife (nurse).
Injected a .25 ml (75mg) in my left glute using a 25g 1-1/2" pin.
I had some pretty bad pain near my tailbone. That lasted roughly 4-5days. With a slit lump.
My 2nd injection was in my left Delt. Using a 25g 1" pin.
Went smooth was sore a few days and had a good size lump that took 4-5 to subside.
Now my 3rd injection in my right Delt. The day after injection it was rather itchy about 3" lower then the injection site. As another day past it grew red and a lump formed about 3" below the injection site.
By the 3rd day it was redder and now warm.
After my wife said it looked like cellulitis I decided to see my Dr. Where he pretty much confirmed my wife's suspicion.
Knowing my wife follows correct sterile procedure. I decided to ditch the bottle of test. And open another incase of contamination.
After further reading I figured I'd try a subq injection of even smaller amounts 4x week. To see how I reacted.
Well after my first injection from a new vial. The injection site became red spot about the size of a softball with a corresponding lump of the same size.
And was rather sensitive/painful.
That lasted 4-5 days. Keep in mind I'm still on Bactrim from the infection.
So I believe that maybe why my subq injection never got too bad.
I'm wondering if I'm having a reaction the Benzoyl alcohol? (I've never been allergic to anything)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've pretty much stopped self treating at this point until I find some answers.
If all else fails. It's off to see Dr.Crisler since his office is right around the corner.