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Thread: Finasteride or Duterstaride?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Finasteride or Duterstaride?

    According to studies dutersteride is more effective but I dont see it mentioned often. Are the side effect even worse? And is it worth it to use one of these as just precaution during a 12 week cycle? Or should you wait untill you start seeing significant hairloss?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Shave you head less to worry about-see arr our sponsor have some good hairloss products. I had a friend use Finasteride but he still is going bald. If it's coming it's like the weather you really can't do much about it. Hair transplant is permanent though!!
    remember George costanza he is a badasses

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    duta ..more effective at less than half the dosage of fina.
    My buddy Ry swears by at a low dose and he gets no sides from it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    duta ..more effective at less than half the dosage of fina.
    My buddy Ry swears by at a low dose and he gets no sides from it.
    Interesting. I would like to hear some more opinions. Will I still be effected by the erectile symptoms even though im on trt and regulating all my hormones? And is it ok to run just while on a 12 week cycle or is this stuff something that needs to be run year round?

    I just started a blast cycle and was thinking of hopping on one of these at the first sign of hairloss if any. Will it be detrimental to musclee gains?

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