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Thread: Blood pressure question for aas?

  1. #1

    Blood pressure question for aas?

    Hi guys
    I recently ran a course of 30mg dianabol for 3 weeks then did 1ml of ttm a week for two weeks and 2ml for another 5.
    So a ten week cycle in total, I was going to do 10 weeks of Ttm but had to stop. I noticed towards the end of the cycle that I seemed to be gasping for breath for no reason. I have a bp monitor at home and took it one night it was 185/112. It's safe to say I pretty much shit my pants and stopped the Ttm immediately.
    That was 4 weeks ago, I am currently into week 2 of pct and my bp is still only down to 170/90 despite being prescribed some bp pills and taking them for 3 weeks.

    So my questions are :-
    How long after finishing a cycle does bp return to normal?
    Does pct affect bp? (2 more weeks to go)
    Which aas have a lesser effect on bp?

    I'm considering running another cycle but don't wanna keel over with a brain haemorrhage, stroke or heart attack. Incidentally while on the aas, I noticed massive strength gains and significantly increased muscle mass. Plus a massive boost in libido, the wife is loving it my old niggling injuries have disappeared and even 4 weeks after finishing the sex drive is still ok, every day at age 46 ain't too bad I think. I have some cialis for when the urge goes away which it most likely will, I have noticed a tapering off over the last week.

    Anyway your thoughts would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    1) It can take some time. Nobody can give you a precise answer.
    2) Not really.
    3) The ones that aren't very androgenic or cause water retention. Primo is the mildest.
    I assume TTM is test, tren, and masteron? If so, that's going to be rough on your BP and pulmonary system (mostly because of the Tren).

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Had you monitored your bp beforehand? Bodybuilding on its own is a stress on the body and can increase BP. A regime of cardio diet and medication can easily control it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Yep, many factors. Body fat is a big one. Along with estrogen levels and of course diet. Steroids can increase BP, mainly if the issues above are not addressed. My last cycle was test p and npp @ 700mg each a week. BP was 110/70.

    What is your body fat % and did you even use anything to control aromatase?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    I have been watching my BP before I have started aas

    My BP before cycling was 12x/7x

    After my 1st cycle it was 13x/78-9

    Now I can barely keep it at under 152-4/8-4 I take 10ml of Cialis a day

  6. #6
    Thanks for the quick response, I thought it might be a case of different for everyone, I was just looking for a ballpark figure really I guess

    The Ttm was test, tren, mast at 100mg/ml

    As for my bp history, apparently I suffer from stress related bp, don't ask me how because I don't feel stressed at all. It was down to the 140/80 mark after I started gym and I was controlling it through diet and a significant reduction in salt intake which I still do. The tool of a doctor I went to see told me my BMi is 31% which was as a direct result of weight to height ratio, also he didn't even test my bp on the day I went so its safe to say I shall not be using his services again! If he had done bodyfat tests with skin callipers etc I might have had more belief in him.
    I didn't run any ai during the cycle due to the low dosage levels but had some nolva ready in case of nipple problems, can ais also reduce bp?

    I plan to wait 4-6 weeks after my pct ends to recheck bp and see what my baseline figure is before I consider anything else, I suppose if it hasn't changed any ill have to leave it longer still. Since coming off cycle I have lost some body fat as I have slightly reduced my caloric intake and eat healthy for the most part apart from the odd cheat meal.
    I don't drink or smoke either so thought I was relatively healthy.

    I guess I'll have to wait and monitor things so I can see how it pans out

    Thanks again

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