How much of each should I run weekly? Looking to cut and harden.
Running Tren E & T4 (10 weeks) with maybe some Winny starting around week 6-8
This is my sixth cycle.
How much of each should I run weekly? Looking to cut and harden.
Running Tren E & T4 (10 weeks) with maybe some Winny starting around week 6-8
This is my sixth cycle.
What is the highest you have ran on a weekly basis.
Im running it right now and i do 1200mg of the t400 a week and 1 cc of tren E every 3days.
Stats little info about yourself would be nice
Stats would help also
Just alittle
Why brother asking after you already started?
^ +1
I haven't started this cycle yet. My last cycle I ran higher test than tren ratio.
I ran 800 mg test & 400 mg teen weekly. I'd like to do a higher tren to test ratio this time around in an effort to cut. Thoughts...?
Also, when should I start the winny?
190 lbs
16% BF
Currently on a circuit style workout plan 4x/wk
I'm running Test 400 blend and Tren E
Test 400 = 600mg/week (Pinning 2x a week)
Tren E 200 = 400mg/week (Pinning 2x a week)
Equi 400 = 600mg/week (Pinning 2x a week)
Getting dramatic results with this cycle and I don't think you'd need anything over 600mg/week on the Test, but that's just me.
Max dosage of Tren should not be over 600-700mg/week but I'd be afraid to go that high personally, I'm having some significant sides just from the 400mg/week dosage.
I'm going to run some Masteron the last 3 weeks of my cycle for cutting.
Tren is some potent stuff bro, be careful with high dosages.
Last edited by DJMikeT; 04-26-2014 at 04:50 PM.
Thanks for the feedback DJMIke. Just looking for some info.
Last cycle was over a year ago. Had ACL surgery and have just recently gotten back into the gym in full capacity.
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