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  1. #1
    mmazz is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2014

    Test E cycle 7 weeks in

    So I'm currently on my 7th week of GP test e 500mg/wk. I definitely notice it I mean my bench max is up 40lbs, I'm up 7 pounds lean and I'm not holding any water weight due to taking aromasin 6.25 mg ed. My question is though are these stats good? I've heard of people gaining up to 20lbs on their first test e cycle. I'm on my cutting meal plan at 3400 cals per day, down from bulking at 4200. I'm just sort of surprised that I haven't gained more weight. Am I supposed to explode in size these last 3.5 weeks or am I doing something wrong? Any type of advice/constructive criticism is welcome I'm not one of those blockheads that doesn't listen to anything. Thanks in advance fellas.

  2. #2
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Asia but not Asian.
    What are your stats, ht , wt, age

    Is this your first cycle?

    Are you using a macro and eating clean? ( I think this bites a lot of people) TDEE w/macro is more important than total calories in many people's opinions.

    Is your test pharmacy brand or?

  3. #3
    Unrealone is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2014
    cutting meal plan at 3400 cals a day? how much do you weigh???

  4. #4
    mmazz is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2014
    I'm 22, 5'5" currently sitting at 162 up from 155 and at 9.5% bf from 10. Yes this is my first cycle, I'm usin GP test and the Isn numbers on the vials match those on their website. My meal plan is written out once and I eat the exact same foods every day weighed out/ measured. My diet is very clean I'm at 327g only complex carbs (besides post wo), 85g of fat and 280g of protein. And yes 3400 cals cutting because my metabolism is way too fast. I know the test is working because my bench went from 225 Max to 265 1RM. So at least the strength has kicked in.

  5. #5
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    im happy with 7lb in a cycle, but since you are new 15 or so lb of MUSCLE may be possible, but dont expect much till like week 5.
    Good luck!

    ps, i would have reced waiting till age 24-25 IMO

  6. #6
    DontTaseMeBro is offline Member
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    You said that you are cutting. Why would you expect to gain anything near the type of weight that is gained by someone who is bulking on a cycle? I'm thinking that gaining an average of 1lb a week on a cutting diet is actually pretty dam impressive.

  7. #7
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DontTaseMeBro View Post
    You said that you are cutting. Why would you expect to gain anything near the type of weight that is gained by someone who is bulking on a cycle? I'm thinking that gaining an average of 1lb a week on a cutting diet is actually pretty dam impressive.
    I agree, and unless your workouts are burning boatloads of calories it seems like your TDEE is estimated high for those stats. But maybe you're just killing it in the gym, no judgment here.

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