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Thread: tamox vs torem

  1. #1
    Sicko's Avatar
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    tamox vs torem

    So I have been on TRT since 2011 and used anastrozole for the first three months but then switched to tamox @ 10mg a week for AI with no issues ever since. I recently read up on torem and figured I would give it a go since it seems by popular belief to be superior. However I now have a lump..more like the shape of a football to the side of my left nipple. it is very tender to the touch. I do not have itchy nipple or puffy nipple at all. It starts at the edge of my areola towards my arm pit..probably about a 1/2" long.
    Neither the lab or dosage of tes has changed only the SERM.
    I have made a Dr. appointment already ( not till next week) but thought I would run it past some of you guys for your input on if you think this is start of gyno and/or related to switching to torem.
    I guess it is time to get some more blood work done to see what my estradiol levels are at.
    It came on over 1 1/2 - 2 weeks time.
    I waited to make a appointment because I upped my dose to 20mg a day of torem last week to see if it diminished but nothing changed.

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Tamox has a slightly higher binding affinity to the e receptor in breast tissue than torem... so for gyno torem isnt superior.

  3. #3
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Guess the saying stands true...if it aint broke don't fix it!!!
    Thanks for the input Jimmy.
    so what do you think 60mg of ralox. for a couple of weeks?
    Don't much like the idea of Letro

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    I think ralox is def your best way to go, followed by tamox order of my preference. 60mg is the dose i would use...yes.

  5. #5
    davesah1's Avatar
    davesah1 is offline Member
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    I use Tamox and Torem (Torem in place of clomid) Worked well for my 18 weeker of test E. Blasted HCG in that 17 day waiting period after last pin as well.

  6. #6
    davesah1's Avatar
    davesah1 is offline Member
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    Doesn't torem bing to e sites in pituitary/hippocampus like clomid? Or is it basically the same as nolva in just boosting natty test, blocking e in breast tissue, etc.?

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