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Thread: Oral cycle

  1. #1
    Billie Bob is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014

    Oral cycle

    Hi Everyone

    I am a 46 year old who has read allot on this site and others. I did a couple cycles of Clen , Var and Winni last year and it was good.

    I have been off for a while and over the last few months just got back into lifting and eating cleaner.

    Not looking to be a monster and not looking to inject.

    Just want to look harder, cut, and feel better especially at this age where your joints ache and workouts are tough.

    Anyway after speaking with a two friends of mine; one said I should do Dbol Var and Clen
    The other said Tbol Var and Clen.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    JackedJesse's Avatar
    JackedJesse is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    AsEpSiS's Avatar
    AsEpSiS is offline Associate Member
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    Stacking Orals? Are you mad at your liver or something??
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    If you want to do an oral, just run var. Don't stack it with Dbol . It's advisable to run a little Test along with the var. If you seriously object to injectables just run the var and do PCT. I wouldn't stack orals.

  5. #5
    tren_monster is offline Junior Member
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    1-8 40 mg Dbol per day
    1-8 25 mg Proviron per day
    1-8 3 Liv-52 taken twice per day.

    No on clen . Shits nasty.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billie Bob View Post
    Hi Everyone

    I am a 46 year old who has read allot on this site and others. I did a couple cycles of Clen , Var and Winni last year and it was good.

    I have been off for a while and over the last few months just got back into lifting and eating cleaner.

    Not looking to be a monster and not looking to inject.

    Just want to look harder, cut, and feel better especially at this age where your joints ache and workouts are tough.

    Anyway after speaking with a two friends of mine; one said I should do Dbol Var and Clen
    The other said Tbol Var and Clen.

    Any thoughts?
    you asked for thoughts, so here goes.

    Mate, at your age, taking an oral only will shut down what little test production you have. Personally, I like my body to have testosterone . And without the testosterone, you run the very real risk of sexual sides (need me to name them?)

    If you want to play this game, then you need to become comfortable with the syringe.

    If your joints ache, try taking MSM, 5mg/day. it improves collagen synthesis and is a mild anti inflammatory.

    imho, most that only consider orals only are really just afraid of the needle. It's no big deal.

    If you are afraid of the needle, then you are probably not ready for steroids . Yes, it's a big commitment, but you really need to consider doing this thing right. Or not at all.

    Winnie will hurt your joints, not help them.

    Dbol is very tough on the liver

    Clen is a harsh non anabolic , and is good for weight loss, if you can handle the side effects.

    If it's only been a few months since you've started lifting again, then I would suggest your body is NOT ready for anabolics. Yes, your muscles will respond quickly and strength gains will be evident. However, there is more going on than muscle tissue. What about connective tissue? Anabolics does very little to improve strength in your tendons and ligaments. And since you have not toughened up your body in this area, you will be vulnerable and at risk of injury. Rehab is typically about six months. And due to your age, this is a very real possibility.

    These are my thoughts

    Good luck!
    Back In Black likes this.

  7. #7
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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  8. #8
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billie Bob View Post
    Hi Everyone

    I am a 46 year old who has read allot on this site and others. I did a couple cycles of Clen , Var and Winni last year and it was good.

    I have been off for a while and over the last few months just got back into lifting and eating cleaner.

    Not looking to be a monster and not looking to inject.

    Just want to look harder, cut, and feel better especially at this age where your joints ache and workouts are tough.

    Anyway after speaking with a two friends of mine; one said I should do Dbol Var and Clen
    The other said Tbol Var and Clen.

    Any thoughts?
    You've got a lot more reading to do!

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