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Thread: Cycle Questions

  1. #1
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Cycle Questions

    Ok so I have a couple of questions.. But first some background about my cycle...
    I started a var only cycle (60mg ED) Jan 26th - Mar 11th I run it short because I felt my Test levels dropping (also very dumb not listening to u guys when u told me to run test with it)..
    Before :27yr old, 5'9, 179lbs, bf%11.5
    After : 195lbs, bf%15.1
    March 11th- pct, N @ 20,20 C 40,40
    After PCT: 192lbs bf%14.9
    I wanted to gain more so I decided to jump on my Test prop cycle (125mg EOD = 500mg wk) (8 week cycle) (AI .25 EOD) (HCG 250X2 Wk) (full pct ready)
    Stats: started Mar 27th
    Started: 192lbs, bf%14.9
    Current: 196 bf% 12.7
    I started to do cardio everyday (10-20 elliptical THR 135-145 bpm
    (calories 3200. Low and high carb days 3 low (125g), 2high (250g), protein 275-345g ED, fats 50-70g ED...
    Goal is to drop down to 9-10%bf

    1:What kind of results will I see if I added 90mg var with my last 4 weeks?

    2: should I just leave the var out?

    3: I am getting ok results on test but I guess I was expecting more ... The only reason I say that is because I run a PH one time (23yr) and I got crazy results...

    4: I have been rotating injecting into both quads... I feel no pain anymore.. Is that ok? I don't feel any scar tissue...
    5: I also feel like I'm getting a little gyno ( nipples are away hard and a tiny bit puffy but their is no bumps or sensitivity. So I don't know ) so I am think of upping my dose of arimadex from .25 to .30-.35.... With that hurt my: gains any?
    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Feb 2014

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