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Thread: Blast Input

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Blast Input

    I am currently on TRT and I am going to do a blast here shortly.

    Plans -

    10 weeks - 140mg Test P EOD (490mg a week)
    10 weeks - 100mg anavar
    250iu HCG 2 x a week
    anastrozole 1/4mg eod

    After 10 weeks return to normal TRT doseage.

    Questions -

    Is it ok to run anavar the entire 10 weeks?

    Should I continue with my 50mg Test C 2x a week (trt) while blasting? I don't want the timing to be messed up when I quit Test P blast and then wait the 4 weeks or so for the Test C of TRT to kick in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Should I continue with my 50mg Test C 2x a week (trt) while blasting? I don't want the timing to be messed up when I quit Test P blast and then wait the 4 weeks or so for the Test C of TRT to kick in.
    Didn't you just answer this question yourself?(yes)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Really just wanting input of more seasoned members. I didn't know if it would be better to quit for first part and then start back up last few weeks or if it really would have no negative effect to just continue it as normal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Detroit Suburbs
    10 weeks at a 100mg with the var is pushing it in my opinion. Your lipids will be fvcked almost immediately and for the whole time and several weeks after. Your liver is not going to be happy either. Var is not as easy on the liver as many suggest.
    If the var is dosed correctly you would do fine with 50-75mgs for 8 weeks.
    Also, why not just up the cyp to 500mg/week instead of all the prop injections?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    The reason I am choosing to do Test P is because of the less bloat. It would only be 3 extra injections every 2 weeks.

    I will also be taking Nac for liver. I have thought about doing the Var for the last 6 to 8 weeks, that is the main reason I poosted this thread but the amount of replies have been less than what I had hoped for. Thanks for your input Spartans.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    The reason I am choosing to do Test P is because of the less bloat. It would only be 3 extra injections every 2 weeks.

    I will also be taking Nac for liver. I have thought about doing the Var for the last 6 to 8 weeks, that is the main reason I poosted this thread but the amount of replies have been less than what I had hoped for. Thanks for your input Spartans.
    If ur AI dosage keeps your estrogen in the normal range you won't get bloat from any compound. Bloat comes from estrogen conversion. If minimal estrogen conversion = minimal bloat.

    Anavar 10 weeks is a bad idea for the reasons stated above by other posts.

    And test prop solely for the reason of preventing bloat from test cyp is an idea based on faulty logic. If estrogen is in check = no bloat, whether its test p or test c.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    From everything I have read, test P is better for a cutting cycle because of water retention. It also kicks in faster. Estrogen in check on last blast with good nutrition and I still felt like I was retaining a lot of water.

    I would like to see some info though for the reasons why I should go with C instead though, besides the amount of pins. I don't see how it would be better unless I was going for a bulking cycle and then maybe. I am definitely open minded on it, I just haven't found info myself that tells me C would be more beneficial.

    My lipids are in fantastic shape on my TRT blood work, I know these can change easily on cycle. If 10 weeks of anavar is too long, what do you recommend Schwarz? Have you used Var on cycle before? What was your personal experience with it?

    The only reason I was wanting to do the Var at the beginning is to possibly help the cycle kick in faster. If I would see equal benefits waiting until 2 weeks in then that would be ok also.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Test is test. The ester only changes the half life.

    You are correct that the Prop will kick in sooner. If you want to kickstart the cycle with prop for two weeks go ahead but otherwise just up the Cyp dose and control your estrogen.

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