I'm about to start my first cycle but I cannot find any bacteriostatic water anywhere, so I've decided to make my own. I have a few questions before I go out and buy the items needed:
If I buy sterile water or distilled water does it matter if it is not sealed in a vial type container or will a screw top bottle type container do? It seems to me that if the purpose is to make a sterile solution that a screw top bottle could get contaminated either before or during the process.
Same as above but with the benzyl alcohol?
Can you explain the grade system for filters please? for example, is 0.22 is finer than 0.50 etc. What else should I know?
How does the filter work? I guess it fits between the barrel and the needle, will this work with all types of needles?
does the benzyl alcohol go through the filter or do I add to the water after it has been filtered?
I read that there are different concentrations of benzyl alcohol, which % should I try to get?
Thanks for any help