Hey guys
Pinned my first shot of 250mg/ml test e Friday and got some pretty bad PIP pain and swelling.
It ended up being about 1.25ml, pulled a little bit extra from the vial and was just kind of like, meh **** it it's my first pin so whatever if it's .25 over...Proceeded to pin the upper-outer quadrant of my right glute. There was no initial pain however at one point I inserted the entire length of a 1.5" syringe and felt something kind of weird so I pulled about .5" out. I was nervous and shaky, moved the needle around probably way too much, and even kind of stumbled at one point and put my body weight on my right leg while the syringe was still in my glute. That day there was virtually no pain of any sort and the next morning when I went to the gym I felt fine...
However, by the end of that day, I was in a considerable amount of pain and limping to the point where I had to tell my girlfriend I pulled a muscle at the gym. That is actually exactly what it felt like, like I pulled a muscle and had trouble putting any weight on it, getting in and out of cars or sitting down was a real bitch. The 2nd day (yesterday) there was noticeable swelling and still a great deal of pain, I also had deadlifts yesterday so I'm sure that didn't help any.
Today (day 3 after I pinned) the swelling is going down and the pain is subsiding. There is no heat around the site, no pitting edema, it may be a little red but I've been massaging it a lot so that could be why. I understand this could be from high BA content in UGL gear but I've been following a thread from someone pinning the same gear and having no issues at all.
Is it possible this could just be tissue inflammation from the slightly higher volume of gear I injected and also being a total ****in' n00b and being all sloppy with the needle? I'm thinking I could have done some tissue damage. Pretty sure in my nervousness I forgot to push air out of the needle and got a tiny air bubble as well, although I did remember to aspirate and make sure I wasn't in a blood vessel. I hope it's not from the BA because I'm going to be pinning for the 2nd time today and hoping I don't get the same problem, my girl is going to start thinking I'm inuring myself at the gym or something.