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Thread: First Cycle HDROL + Test E

  1. #1

    First Cycle HDROL + Test E

    Little info first

    Age: 26
    Weight: 182
    Height: 6 foot
    Best lifts: Squat: 295x5, Deadlift: 370x3, bench: 225x2

    I am looking to start my first cycle and I want to be as safe as possible about it, been researching but want to make sure everything is fine tuned.
    Medical history, I did have a DVT (blood clot in my leg 2 years back that required surgery to get it out) Other than that I have been healthy.

    I am looking to stack Helladrol with Test E 500 mg. Here is what I was thinking

    Weeks 1-6: Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/100 (might bump last 2 weeks to 125 if body responds well)
    Weeks 1-6: Annabolic Innovations Cycle Support (2 scoops per day)
    Weeks 1-6: DAA powder (3 grams every morning)

    Weeks 7-16: Test E 500 MG (250 MG every 3.5 Days)
    Weeks 7-16: Something for estrogen control ????

    Weeks: 17-20: Nolva 20/20/10/10
    Weeks: 17-20: Test Infusion
    Weeks: 17-20: AI Cycle support
    Weeks: 17-20: DAA Powder 3 grams

    Any suggestions on how this would work or what you would change?

    I would appreciate any help. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Half Nattyville
    I would read through this twice+;

    If it were me, i'd follow that to a T

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Scrap it all. The info you are looking for is here. Start with the stickies. Nutrition is key. Enjoy, and good luck.

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