After adjusting my diet to 2000cal per day ( it was less than 1000cal before ) , I start back losing fat a bit ... But suddently my weight sticked at 200lb for a month . Then my pharmacy called me to say they will be out of androgel cuz their supplier(legitimate , not illegal supplier) was B/O on that product , so I would be for 10 days . Ok . What I did was lowering my dosage from 50mg to 25mg per day to don't suffer from depression . From now on , I start losing fat again(not muscle mass , my coach took my bf% and it's getting down) ... Someone can explain me why a moderatly low test level helped me losing fat (about 20Nmol/liter of blood) , a regular one stop my fat loss (about 35 to 40 Nmol/liter) , and an extremly low test level is making me adding fat %(3.5 Nmol/liter was my test level before the doc prescribed me androgel (btw , this test level is purely dangerous for your health )) . Oh and tell me also why my androgel is protecting me from heart attack and diabetes (those statements are from my doc but I won't meet him before next november).