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Thread: General advice on mast + winny. Estrogen rebound etc

  1. #1

    General advice on mast + winny. Estrogen rebound etc

    Hey guys, im after some advice please:

    I experimented with steroids over a year ago with Masteron + Winny (i wasnt shooting for huge size) and after a while my friend recommended some d/bol to maybe add a little size... well after a few weeks i started getting gyno symtpons.

    Since then i have been clean (1 Year) gyno symtpons are still present but only noticeable to me.

    Im thinking of starting on mast + win again as i was in the best shape when i first started last year.... my main concern is after research i found out that Masteron acts as an anti estrogen to some extent now i know that Mast & Winny dont aromatise and will not cause gyno but once i stop cycle will i get an extrogen rebound and maybe need an AI on hand?

    If your wondering.... im thinking of going on Mast + Win 3 month on 1 month off then repeat... i am after more of an athletic look rather than bulk although a little size would be nice so if you can recommend something else in between mast and win cycle that doesnt aromatise or cause estrogen rebound that would be great.

    Thanks for taking the time in reading this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Densman View Post
    Hey guys, im after some advice please:

    I experimented with steroids over a year ago with Masteron + Winny (i wasnt shooting for huge size) and after a while my friend recommended some d/bol to maybe add a little size... well after a few weeks i started getting gyno symtpons.

    Since then i have been clean (1 Year) gyno symtpons are still present but only noticeable to me.

    Im thinking of starting on mast + win again as i was in the best shape when i first started last year.... my main concern is after research i found out that Masteron acts as an anti estrogen to some extent now i know that Mast & Winny dont aromatise and will not cause gyno but once i stop cycle will i get an extrogen rebound and maybe need an AI on hand?

    If your wondering.... im thinking of going on Mast + Win 3 month on 1 month off then repeat... i am after more of an athletic look rather than bulk although a little size would be nice so if you can recommend something else in between mast and win cycle that doesnt aromatise or cause estrogen rebound that would be great.

    Thanks for taking the time in reading this.
    If you run mast and win you would probably get gyno again if you do not use test as a base as those compounds will suppress your natty test production. What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Thanks for your reply, i'm keen to learn but could never find exact answers after hours of research online.

    ok so what is the exact name of the test that i need to use as a base?

    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 13st
    Body Fat: 14-18 % (not measured it for a while but abs are slightly visible)

  4. #4
    Hi jim, did you get my reply? thx

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Densman
    Hi jim, did you get my reply? thx
    No I didn't

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sounds like you have done very poor research. You are asking for problems. Read more about beginner cycles. You have no mention of pct which is most concerning of all.

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