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Thread: New on TRT, have questions on "blasting"

  1. #1

    New on TRT, have questions on "blasting"

    Alright, sorry in advance for bombarding with questions. I've lingered here a few months since starting TRT but first time posting. I've been lifting since a teenager(35 now) but never an aas user before. I started TRT in January after low blood tests. I've been on 200mg test cyp EW 3 months now, and combined with my already established lifting routine I've made some huge gains (for me anyway) in size and strength. Blood test last week had my total test at 1560, so Dr. is lowering dose to 100mg ew. Now the questions...Is the drop from 200 to 100 ew enough to lose any gains I've seen? And, I'm considering sticking with the 100 ew protocol but adding a blast cycle every few months. What time range would be recommended for the blast cycle, and would you recommend blasting with higher doses of cyp, or adding another form of test such as sustanon for blasts? In my mind, I'm picturing maintaining 100 ew cyp and adding 250 of sustanon per week for 4-6 weeks. Let me know if that makes sense or not. Thanks in advance for any help.
    Last edited by Baxter35; 05-06-2014 at 04:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Don't do any other aas until your doctor is satisfied with your bw. This could take several months to maybe a year. You don't want to have an erroneous reading because your adding in additional test.

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    600 is correct. Get your protocol set in stone with your Dr.
    Him pulling blood work while your screwing with it makes no sense.
    When it's all set a blast of sust. would be fine. 12 weeks @ 500 mg.
    you may need additional AI with that as well.
    Your Dr. Should also be checking your estrogen and providing HCG to maintain testicular function.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies. I didn't specify, but I fully intend to wait it out until we're at a good point with my current trt and blood work before adding anything in. I'm just thinking ahead a bit. Anybody with trt experience have feedback on the change from 200 EW to 100 EW? Anyone with similar experience regarding changing doses in that range and any subsequent changes in size and strength? Obviously my reasons for being on trt go beyond gains in the gym....but...I must say I've enjoyed that side effect and just don't want to see it go away. As of now, no AI and e levels are still good. Not running any hcg because I'm done having kids and wasn't concerned with the fertility aspect. Should I be concerned with hcg for other reasons even if not worried about kids. At this point it looks like trt will be a lifelong change so its different than needing to "restart" after a cycle. Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    U should be ok on 100 and keep the gains if u eat right
    Also u should do hcg not because of kids but testicular function
    And you don't want your nuts to be a size of raisin
    I had that and wife could not find them to play with

  6. #6
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    Jun 2011
    Im on trt as well (27) @ 100mg per week so ill try to help as much as I can.

    as far as hcg goes, if you dont need it then dont use it. If you arent worried about fertility then the only thing you would want it for is testicle aesthetics. Some people claim hcg gives them a slightly better mood but ive actually felt better when im off hcg. Also it saves me the $100 a month it costs.

    as far as gains go, dont take my word as gospel on this one but, as far as I know you wont lose your gains if you are still at on under your natural potential. I think thats something you worry about once you have a cycle or two under your belt and you have pushed your body beyond that plateau. Also of course depends on your training and diet habits. Make sure you are getting a ton of protein, as much as 1.5g per pound of lean bodyweight.

    if I were you I would do your first blast with nothing but test. Do 250mg twice a week rather than 100mg once a week. Then later add in some other compounds. Thats actually exactly what ill be doing starting next week. I too do not use an AI on 100mg a week because my e2 is perfect. But I certainly will be adding it when I blast.

    when taking an ai you dont want to crush your e2 too low. So lookout for symptoms. Low e2 symptoms ive noticed were low lubricated joints (cracking of bones you didnt know could crack or discomfort in cracking bones that usually feel good), lower sex drive, hot head temper, and lack of morning wood.

    obviously get bloodwork done as well to get exact numbers but your body should tell you when you are not in a reasonable range.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jaxbrah View Post
    Im on trt as well (27) @ 100mg per week so ill try to help as much as I can.

    as far as hcg goes, if you dont need it then dont use it. If you arent worried about fertility then the only thing you would want it for is testicle aesthetics. Some people claim hcg gives them a slightly better mood but ive actually felt better when im off hcg. Also it saves me the $100 a month it costs.

    as far as gains go, dont take my word as gospel on this one but, as far as I know you wont lose your gains if you are still at on under your natural potential. I think thats something you worry about once you have a cycle or two under your belt and you have pushed your body beyond that plateau. Also of course depends on your training and diet habits. Make sure you are getting a ton of protein, as much as 1.5g per pound of lean bodyweight.

    if I were you I would do your first blast with nothing but test. Do 250mg twice a week rather than 100mg once a week. Then later add in some other compounds. Thats actually exactly what ill be doing starting next week. I too do not use an AI on 100mg a week because my e2 is perfect. But I certainly will be adding it when I blast.

    when taking an ai you dont want to crush your e2 too low. So lookout for symptoms. Low e2 symptoms ive noticed were low lubricated joints (cracking of bones you didnt know could crack or discomfort in cracking bones that usually feel good), lower sex drive, hot head temper, and lack of morning wood.

    obviously get bloodwork done as well to get exact numbers but your body should tell you when you are not in a reasonable range.
    There's a lot more to HCG therapy than just the size of your nuts. I highly recommend it alongside any TRT therapy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Black
    There's a lot more to HCG therapy than just the size of your nuts. I highly recommend it alongside any TRT therapy.
    Agreed, hcg should be a part of your protocol . As far as gains go your diet dictates what you keep. You wouldn't have made any noticeable gains without improvement in your diet after beginning trt so just make sure diet is in check. What was your estradiol? Zinc citrate is useful for lowering estradiol a bit.

  9. #9
    Regarding diet and training, as soon as I found out I was starting trt I basically decided to treat my approach to diet/lifting as if I was on a cycle. Even though trt doses are quite low compared to cycles, I managed to put on 35 lbs since Jan with huge increases in all my major lifts while keeping body fat the same as before trt, which was low to begin with. I think the fact that my body was so low on test to begin with has also contributed to it having a pretty substantial anabolic response even at trt doses. I've really enjoyed it...and am now a bit

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Not to discourage you but 35 lbs of lbm is quite a bit to gain in that length of time. Did you have your body fat tested before and after? Also what is your e2 level? As far as diet once you determine your bf% then you can ascertain what your future goals are as far as gaining lbm or reducing body fat. This Wil require knowing your tdee and macro split.
    Hit up diet section and do some research.

  11. #11
    Trust me, I know 35lbs is a lot and im not being unrealistic. Im sure its not all 100% lbw and I'm not claiming it is. No bf measures, just going by look/feel and the fact that my pants are no tighter around my waist and can still see abs to same extent as before. My Estradiol was 28, so still normal range as far as I know. I'm not at all new to diet and training, just new to trt/aas usage. Admittedly, I have been more than surprised at the size gains, but for now I'm just running with it and am along for the ride.

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