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  1. #1
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    3rd cycle suggestions..

    Good afternoon. Been a while since I've been on! How is everyone!? I'm contemplating a third cycle. Previous cycles and stats are as follows.

    28 male
    5'8" 190lbs about 15% bf
    Training 15 years
    Mostly strength training

    Cycle one
    Weeks 1-12 test c 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-14 a dex .25 mg eod
    Weeks 15-18 nolva 40/40/20/20

    Gained about 19 lbs was as to keep about 10 of it. Then cut down for second cycle 4 months later

    Second cycle
    weeks 1-12 test c 750mgs/week
    Weeks 1-5 a dex .25 eod
    Started to feel bloated so upped it to .5 eod till week 14
    Week 14-18 nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50

    I gained about 27 lbs and have kept about 15 and back to about 15% body fat. With both cycles my strength has increased tremendously and size has increased.
    Only negative side effects were bloating on 750 and acne between last pin and 2nd week of pct mostly on my back. Nothing in my nipples, a little atrophy in testes. I will obtain Hcg for future cycles.
    I am looking for suggestions for a third cycle, should I stay at 750? Go to a gram? Add another compound and drop back to 500? D Bol, t Bol or winstrol ?
    I'm interested in deca , but not the bloat and 19nor sides, I know most on here dislike EQ, some guys locally enjoy it, is there any one who likes EQ that would recommend it? The winny I could get is oral. I will have full pct.

    My main goal is functional strength, I've competed in power lifting meets but I am not a "power lifter" of course I like to be aesthetic! So that is a smaller goal, due to my job I have to maintain a level of fitness and need to keep my Bp in check and need to continue to include cardio in my work outs.
    Thank you for any advise or comments and I'm willing to answer any other questions!

  2. #2
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    I don't see no reason to jump to a gram if you made that good gains. IMO I would do same as last,750 and maybe throw in some d-bol. But if it was me I would just repeat 2nd cycle again, hell you made some great gains. Keep it going. Keep it simple.

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Thought about putting in hcg in your cycle?

  4. #4
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Ppwc1985- thanks. I guess I'm just worried I will need more, but you are right why go up if 750 was good. Thoughts on adding other compounds? Do you have experience with d Bol ? Just concerned with blood pressure. If I add an oral I will defiantly add in NAC and milk thistle.
    Bigtahl- yes I mentioned above that I will obtain Hcg for future cycles. Thank you.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    There was no reason for you too jump too 750 on your 2nd cycle.You are getting ahead of yourself.Some research will clear this up.And a good diet will do more for you than mega dosing aas bro.

  6. #6
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Songdog- I've followed you on here for quite some time. Thank you for the comments... You may be correct in stating that 750 was unnecessary? What constitutes "mega dosing" aas? I'm not going to try to justify the extent of my research. But I will say that an answer in that topic would be in conclusive given that there is so much out there... Do you have any suggestions as far as adding another compound? Maybe backing up to 500 and adding a second or adding an oral such as dbol to start or Winstrol to finish? Thanks in advance your your knowledge!

  7. #7
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Bump? Any advise/ suggestions much Appreaciated!

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFf View Post
    Songdog- I've followed you on here for quite some time. Thank you for the comments... You may be correct in stating that 750 was unnecessary? What constitutes "mega dosing" aas? I'm not going to try to justify the extent of my research. But I will say that an answer in that topic would be in conclusive given that there is so much out there... Do you have any suggestions as far as adding another compound? Maybe backing up to 500 and adding a second or adding an oral such as dbol to start or Winstrol to finish? Thanks in advance your your knowledge!
    3rd cycle Dbol would be good or Deca would be another option.This all depends on wat you are after.But IMOP too many guys like too up their doses too soon.You are only going to grow so much each cycle no matter how much juice you use.And in the long run less is better.You will get too those doses in time

  9. #9
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Songdog- thanks deca really interests me. Since I've been to 750 should I stay there and add deca or would I go back to 500 and add deca to that... My goal is strength that translates to the real word functionally also, size is not bad either, as I mentioned above I need to do my best to control my Bp and continue cardio...would you recommend 750 test and 400-500 deca or drop back down to 500 test and 400-500 deca. Also oral winny is very interesting to me? What is your take on that? Thanks

  10. #10
    AsEpSiS's Avatar
    AsEpSiS is offline Associate Member
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    Why jump the dose up so much? No need for it at all. Master how your body reacts to the test. Everyone here gave great advice IMO

  11. #11
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AsEpSiS View Post
    Why jump the dose up so much? No need for it at all. Master how your body reacts to the test. Everyone here gave great advice IMO
    Asepsis- thanks for the response. Somewhat is your suggestion?

  12. #12
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Bump. Any suggestions for dosing deca for my third cycle?

  13. #13
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Any body? Marcus? Austin? Roman?

  14. #14
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Dang! Serious? Any one?

  15. #15
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    I know a pro world BB from the '80s who only used 500mg of test a week for all his cycles. You only need that to maintain test levels. If you're wanting to up the test above 500mg, personally, I wouldn't. Just try another compound like dBol , anadrol or deca since it's only your third.

    Since it's only your third though I'd do 500mg/w of test for 12w & maybe deca too! 400mg-600mg/w for the 12 weeks.

    You'll see great results with that.

    Since it's your third cycle I'd keep it to either test or another compound and test at the maximum. Don't do more than 2 compounds, a lot of guys on here will agree.

    I don't have the experience but I've done plenty of research. If you have any questions PM me or ask the vets on the forum or the vet songdog, he knows what's up.

    Good luck


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by base4291ball
    I know a pro world BB from the '80s who only used 500mg of test a week for all his cycles. You only need that to maintain test levels. If you're wanting to up the test above 500mg, personally, I wouldn't. Just try another compound like dBol, anadrol or deca since it's only your third. Since it's only your third though I'd do 500mg/w of test for 12w & maybe deca too! 400mg-600mg/w for the 12 weeks. You'll see great results with that. Since it's your third cycle I'd keep it to either test or another compound and test at the maximum. Don't do more than 2 compounds, a lot of guys on here will agree. I don't have the experience but I've done plenty of research. If you have any questions PM me or ask the vets on the forum or the vet songdog, he knows what's up. Good luck ~Base
    And I meant 2 compounds for only your third cycle*


  17. #17
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks base. I appreciate the info. Ill prob get into 500mg test and the deca I can get is 250/ml so prob 500 deca for easy math, also thinking about d Bol for 4 weeks... You think so or only introduce the one new compound at a time hold the d Bol for next time..? Thanks again

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFf
    Thanks base. I appreciate the info. Ill prob get into 500mg test and the deca I can get is 250/ml so prob 500 deca for easy math, also thinking about d Bol for 4 weeks... You think so or only introduce the one new compound at a time hold the d Bol for next time..? Thanks again
    Dude honestly introduce 1 new compound at a time. Because if you do two, have some reaction, pain, something.... You won't know what's the cause. It'll take 4-5 cycles of just test and one other compound before you tell yourself you're ready for more than 2 compounds.

    And always remember the off-cycle formula

    Cycle length+time between end cycle & pct+pct time= off time.

    Example... 12 week cycle. 2 weeks between end cycle & pct. Pct is 4 weeks. 12+2+4=18 weeks of a break between the end of pct & starting a new cycle.

    That's a SAFE formula to go buy.

    Obviously you can start sooner but that's the safest & best formula to go by to, hopefully, get all levels back to normal & recover.

    Anything else man ask away...


  19. #19
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by base4291ball View Post
    Dude honestly introduce 1 new compound at a time. Because if you do two, have some reaction, pain, something.... You won't know what's the cause. It'll take 4-5 cycles of just test and one other compound before you tell yourself you're ready for more than 2 compounds.

    And always remember the off-cycle formula

    Cycle length+time between end cycle & pct+pct time= off time.

    Example... 12 week cycle. 2 weeks between end cycle & pct. Pct is 4 weeks. 12+2+4=18 weeks of a break between the end of pct & starting a new cycle.

    That's a SAFE formula to go buy.

    Obviously you can start sooner but that's the safest & best formula to go by to, hopefully, get all levels back to normal & recover.

    Anything else man ask away...

    Thanks again base. Would I be correct to say that deca and test both at 500 yield better performance results that test and dbol ? (Given that training and diet could be the same for both)?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFf
    Thanks again base. Would I be correct to say that deca and test both at 500 yield better performance results that test and dbol? (Given that training and diet could be the same for both)?
    I'm guessing you wanna bulk.

    If you wanna do a deca /test cycle vs. a test/dBol cycle the test/dBol should give you a better bulk but yields more sides than test/deca.

    Test deca is a great stack! Along with test dBol. It's kinda personal preference. Along the same gains, I would say (if your diet is in line for both)

    But on a side note...test/deca will have less sides than test/dBol. Again, about equal in bulking stacks but deca has less sides than dBol.

    Hope this helps you too...

    3rd cycle suggestions..-image-183707335.jpg

    Also to note, deca is just one more thing to inject. If needles aren't a problem I would go deca because a lot less on your liver & less sides.

    Any more questions ask away bud!


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by TFf
    Thanks again base. Would I be correct to say that deca and test both at 500 yield better performance results that test and dbol? (Given that training and diet could be the same for both)?
    3rd cycle suggestions..-image-1789558479.jpg

    Deca /test & deca/dBol stacks IMO are about the same if you're going mass. DBol will have more sides than deca.

    If you're scared of needles than deca is just one more thing to inject, or more liquid. But if you go dBol it's hard hard hard on your liver. Make sure you're taking NAC to help that liver out with orals, & every cycle.

    Hope this helps man! Anything else ask away bud.


  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Okay I sent two replies. Thought the first didn't send.


  23. #23
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks again base! As size and aesthetics are for
    Sure something I'd like to achieve, performance is my main goal... Strength, speed, while keeping mobility and agility in mind... I need to keep my cardio at the front line with my weight training, and I NEED to keep my blood pressure in line... I understand that it may go up and a little is ok, but it cannot get out of hand... From research and speaking with other gym folk d Bol will jack up pressure and make cardio suffer... Maybe this is anecdotal? My diet is good and I do cardio ateast 4x a week, carrying intensities.. So I feel that I could controll small increases in pressure... As far as needles I'm not to concerned, Iv done all my own injections, and at 2 cc 2x a week I assume I'll be right, as 750 was 1.5ccs 2x a week...

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