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Thread: New Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    New Cycle

    Cycle history This is my 3rd cycle 1st cycle TREN only with no issues. 2nd cycle was TREN Ace and TEST E. I had little gyno from nothing major I believe I started my PCT to soon. My issue is with this cycle I am on now. I am running SUS 250 /600 mg a week for 12 weeks doing 300 mg every 3 days. Week 7 I am adding winny and week 8 HCG. PCT IS NOVA at 40 mg Ed for one week then 20mg ED for 5 weeks. The problem is I can not get my hands on a Aromatase Inhibitor my supplier does not have it. I do have nova on hand though but from what I researched it hinders your gains furring cycle. yesterday was my first stick on current cycle and it might be in my head but I think my prior gyno flared up. So started taking nova at 40 mg until it goes down. Will this effect my gains? And if so is there a OTC AI I can take to replace it? Anyone have advice ?

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    So this thread is not much different from your other 2 threads. I answered your question in one of your other 2.
    This thread confirms my thoughts that your cycle/ cycles are not planned or executed well.
    1. Running cycles with no AI
    2. Running tren without test
    3. Not using HCG on cycle
    4. Poor planned pct using Nolva only
    In your last thread you were aborting a cycle at week 7
    Now hours later your on your first pin of a new cycle.

    Again all the products you need for AI our sponsor AR-R has.
    Not for nothing but your well on your way to screwing yourself up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Ok I am a newbie and have a lot to learn and I am starting to realize the guy teaching me does not know what he is doing lol. I am also new to the forum and it wouldn't let me post the way I wanted to for some reason. I do think I may have typed my last post wrong or you are reading it wrong either way I will explain.

    1. No excuse

    2. I used TREN ONLY first my first cycle for 10 weeks. This was all I could get my hands on at the time. I had good result though. No AI and had no issue. Lucky I guess.

    3. My second cycle was TREN ace and TEST E of course much better results. I did use hcg but did it wrong I used it right after I stopped the cycle (10 weeks). Then started my PCT of nolva from what I researched you could use nolva or clomid didn't know to use them together. I received mild gyno from that cycle.

    4. Current cycle: running sus 250 600 mg/wk splitting that up to 300 mg every 3 days. I am not stopping cycle at week 7 but just adding winny at the back end of the cycle. Then I will add hcg on week 8 finishing out the 12 week cycle.
    Then the plan was nolva for 6 weeks. 40 mg ED for 1st week then 20mg ED for the next five.

    If this is not a good PCT what do you recommend for this cycle?

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Stop screwing around and educate yourself. There is a whole section on PCT. read it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I have done a lot of research myself by reading but there is always something that will contradict the other. From what I seen and all I read using hcg and nolva is Suffice for PCT. don't get me wrong I have done a lot of reading and research on my own not just putting cycle together on a whim everything I have done I have read up on and got advice for the problem is it's not always accurate. But thanks for the help I am giving ar-r Another shot i order an AI and had it rushed delivered. I started this cycle Tuesday today will be my second pin and the only taking with it is nolva.

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