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Thread: time to bump it up

  1. #1
    dumbbells is offline New Member
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    time to bump it up

    37 yr old
    starting my third cycle. my 1st cycle was 600 cyp a week for 10 weeks at 1 shot a week. decent results with no side effects at all. my 2nd cycle i was 600 cyp and 300 deca a week with real good results and no problems. my 2nd cycle i went to 2 shots a week and went for 12 weeks. im getting ready to start my 3rd cycle and going with 2 shots a week and 800 cyp and 400 deca for 12 weeks. im looking to bulk up pretty good and there a better cycle then what im doing to get better results.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Bulk up and cut? What are your complete starting stats and what is your finishing goal?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    dumbbells is offline New Member
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    age 37
    height 5'11'
    weight 200lb

    i was really pleased with my last cycle as i got pretty big but i wasnt as defined as i wanted to be. my goal on this cycle is to cut some of my bf around my stomach and get some better shape to my muscle. i lift at a very small gym 3 times a week about 1 1/2hr each visit. i dont do competitions and im not in sports. i work 6 days a week in construction so i dont have a ton of extra time. im just trying to stay in shape and look some what decent

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Did you use an ai? Hcg ? Pct?
    What did you weigh before your first cycle?
    How long between cycles?

    Bulk up pretty good and cut? What's your tdee? What's your macro split?

  5. #5
    VegasBody's Avatar
    VegasBody is offline Associate Member
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    I see ur keep going up with the aas dosage
    U don't need to ...more is not better
    And u either cut or bulk
    Even for pros is hard to do the two together

  6. #6
    dumbbells is offline New Member
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    thank you vegasbody...the main reason for my increase was because i felt that i started at the low end and from what ive read, the majority seems to have better results with minimum 750 tes and 400 deca ..would i benefit from my increase or should i stay at 600/300...also, i use unleashed/post cycle for my PC.

  7. #7
    VegasBody's Avatar
    VegasBody is offline Associate Member
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    Usually ppl start first 3 cycles with 400 test maybe go up to 500
    But only test,if U did good stay with it, more u use more side Ur going to get
    As far as AI arimidex .25-.50 eod on cycle
    Hcg 250iux2 week on cycle
    Pct nolvadex and clomid usually the choice on cyp u wait 14 days before u start pct

  8. #8
    VegasBody's Avatar
    VegasBody is offline Associate Member
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    I don't know what unleashed is maybe a more knowledgable member would know

  9. #9
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    For your pct stick to clomid and nov or a second generation serm if you like. These are tried and true. If you got results last cycle at a certain dosage them stick with it. By constantly upping your dose you are looking for problems with sides that will eventually pop up.

  10. #10
    dumbbells is offline New Member
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    6 the answer i was looking for

  11. #11
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    More IS always better. More intense workouts and a better diet . No, more anabolics is not always better. High test and higher-side deca has much more potential for bloating and other nasty side effects. My favorite and probably highest yielding cycle I have done was low test/higher deca. I always utilize an AI as well. Zero sides and insane strength. Just my two cents man. Good luck.

  12. #12
    dumbbells is offline New Member
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    ok, im going to stay with my last cycle dose..but a friend that has been using test for years told me to always keep deca at half the dose of my tes..he said thats when people start getting into trouble or sides is when they take to much deca and not enough test..thats why i dose at 600cyp and 300deca. im not saying hes right or wrong but it works good for me and ive had 0 sides or problems and i havent used an AI. But im still learning so definately open to suggestions

  13. #13
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dumbbells
    ok, im going to stay with my last cycle dose..but a friend that has been using test for years told me to always keep deca at half the dose of my tes..he said thats when people start getting into trouble or sides is when they take to much deca and not enough test..thats why i dose at 600cyp and 300deca. im not saying hes right or wrong but it works good for me and ive had 0 sides or problems and i havent used an AI. But im still learning so definately open to suggestions
    The thing is this......deca can create prolactin buildup. Prolactin can result in many unwanted sides as well as a pecker that doesn't work. Prolactin buildup however is in direct relation to its precursor, estrogen build up. The more test you are using the more estrogen conversion. If you keep your test low, estrogen is very very easy to manage and control with an AI which will in turn control prolactin. Your friends method is an old theory that many people will swear by, simply because it is all that they have heard any never tried anything different. You need to do what you are comfortable with, but just remember there is more than one way to skin a cat. Good luck
    Chicagotarsier likes this.

  14. #14
    dumbbells is offline New Member
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    thanks..the gear i use is helix labs but my guy cant get it anymore and is switching to a different it ok switching between different labs

  15. #15
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Talking about old theories....Was reading an article today on the Austrian Oak and his cycles. Those in his circle talked about how testosterone was not available at the time he started out without great difficulty (you did NOT know what you were getting, military passed up developing testosterone in favor of Deca to create Deca super soldier pills to compete with the Russian pills...that was Deca lol) Most of the sources basically said the Deca usage was 400 - 500 a week max....because of sides. The roid of choice at the time was primobolan . They would use this because it has almost 0 estrogen sides (it was used in place of test from a logic point of view) and it was used at 2:1 to 2.5:1 in comparison to the Deca. There also was no PCT or anti-estrogens then so abusing AAs was really not an option unless you wanted bit** tits.. primobolan does not give the results of Deca from what I read but it does match up at about 50-60% what you would get on straight test. (1 gram per week Primo = 600 mg of testosterone with less sides than testosterone...even if you are using suspension or test P)

    Quote Originally Posted by tdoe11 View Post
    The thing is this......deca can create prolactin buildup. Prolactin can result in many unwanted sides as well as a pecker that doesn't work. Prolactin buildup however is in direct relation to its precursor, estrogen build up. The more test you are using the more estrogen conversion. If you keep your test low, estrogen is very very easy to manage and control with an AI which will in turn control prolactin. Your friends method is an old theory that many people will swear by, simply because it is all that they have heard any never tried anything different. You need to do what you are comfortable with, but just remember there is more than one way to skin a cat. Good luck

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