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Why do some guys on here talk like the new guys are stupid. I understand you know more than me bro got it. I did my research I know what to do for PCT I am running nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50/50. I also know you can run just nolva or just clomid for PCT AND BE FINE. I am running the winny on cycle starting on week 7 making the last five week winny and sus. All I was asking is when to start the pct. I know with sus you start PCT about 3 weeks after and the last pin. And winny u start PCT 24 hr after last pin so when do I start when running the two together. I know I am new to this bro but there was a time you were new to and how does it help if ur advice is u don't know what ur doing get ur Pct together keep that shit to urself.