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Ive been on 100mg a week trt for a year and for the first month or 2 I would see extra hair strands on my pillows, sheets, work desk ect. But then it just stopped happening and I havnt noticed any strands at all. Was that just a shed due to hormonal changes or was that actual dht induced permanent loss?
This is my vote for two reasons: 1) Test side effects don't specifically include hair loss of any type, though it may accelerate or exacerbate an existing condition; and 2) the finite nature of the shedding suggests and adjustment phase to increased exogenous hormones.
Just curious cuz I just started a blast of 500mg t cyp and was wondering if I should panic and grab finasteride the second I see some strands or if I should wait and see if its just shedding.
Although it's good practice to error on the side of caution, fina (and the even stronger duta) works quickly so you'll have plenty of reversal time, and it's better to know for sure if you have a chronic condition, so I'd wait.
I havnt noticed anything yet while on blast.
This point (though you didn't cite how long you've actually been on) supports the hormonal adjustment theory posited above. Definitely keep a close eye on the comb, pillow case, and shower floor, but if I was a gambler I'd wager you're in the clear.