Can anyone tell me what pct I should use for a 5week cycle of test 400 , anadrol and tren acetate ? Also can anyone tell me if these are a good mix?
Can anyone tell me what pct I should use for a 5week cycle of test 400 , anadrol and tren acetate ? Also can anyone tell me if these are a good mix?
type in what esters your test400 in made up of that would give use a better idea
A 5 week cycle will be worthless and you will be disappointed. Tes needs to be run a minimum 8 weeks if prop or 12 if it's enanthate . What does your complete cycle look like and stats?
I've never seen a test P 400mg. So either a blend or long ester. Like stated above worthless at 5 weeks. Plus Androl and tren at same is brutal on the body.
Well for my first cycle it was just anadrol 1 tab a day for the first week until I got used to it then 2 a day for the rest of the corse , my second cycle was just test400 and tren acetate 1ml of each on Monday and Thursday for 6 weeks. I haven't gains much because I was lacking in knoladge with my diet. Would anadrol and tren be bad for me this time?
Yes it/they would be bad for you. It's a bad cycle and a worse 2nd cycle.
What are you stats?
body fat
# of years training
From what I have read so far you still dont understand the basics about diet. It's not about just eating right while on cycle but before, during and after. Before is not a week or a month but months or even years.
Start off visiting the Nutrition center then read the sticky notes at the top about beginner cycle. Test only along with HCG and then a proper PCT if/when you are ready.
Last edited by lovbyts; 05-16-2014 at 04:56 AM.
Age 25. Height 5ft 8. Weight 11st. Body fat 20percent I think don't no much on that. Training 1 year goal strength size and later speed and cardio. Would I need pct or Hcg because of what I took already? And what is Hcg ? As I said this is all new to me and now I'm starting to think I should have done alot more research before I done a cycle.
Last edited by Darrenmck; 05-16-2014 at 05:15 AM.
20% is to high of body fat to cycle and you have high risk of your test converting to estrogen causing gyno and/or ED
1 year training is barely enough time to scratch the surface of your potential. Honestly at this point there is nothing you can not gain from diet and training over the next 2 years that you would with aas except for possible side effects, bloat, hormone fluctuation and spending money that would have gone to much better use in diet/food.
Thanks for that . So would I need to take anything because of the test and tren I already took already for my second cycle ?
How long have you been taking it?
For 6 weeks 4 weeks ago? And what's bloats hormone fluctuation ?
Last edited by Darrenmck; 05-17-2014 at 10:15 AM.
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